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Later Monday Around Lunch

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? Well, Whether you have or you haven't, let me tell you about it.

It's known as the "reference to chaos theory" and if you google the definition this is what comes up:

but·ter·fly ef·fect


(reference to chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.


1980s: from the notion that a butterfly fluttering in Rio de Janeiro could change the weather in Chicago.

Fairly simple, right? I thought so too.

I'm not in Rio De Janeiro or Chicago and I definitely cannot be in both at once so who knows what actually happens in that example.

My example is small, much like the theory states except a much darker scenario.

You may be asking yourself, "How can one little thing affect a person or multiple people much?" One little theoretical domino falls and then the rest of them all come crashing down with dramatic emphasis.

My butterfly effect came with a few preparation steps leading up to the final tang of the chaos settling in.

It was the phone call.

Then it was the accident.

Then it was another accident.

Now. It's the final step.

She was our domino and now we are all affected. In one way, shape or form, she connected us and now; Emily was my -or should I say- our butterfly effect.

Sitting at my desk, peace and quiet. I guess now that I think about it, it felt like the quiet before the storm type of vibe. when all of the guys rushed in. The last thing I expected was the kind of news about to pierce through my ears. Looking around, Emily was nowhere to be found. My stressed flushed through though me as my heart rate increased, "What's wrong?"

Everyone was grabbing their things, keys, jackets, wallets, phone. Everything. Like they were leaving.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on? You can't hide much from me."

Eugene walked over, grabbed my hand and pulled me up to a standing position, "It's Emily."He said as he dragged me out to his car, "We don't have much time."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out when we get to the hospital," He said quickly. We jumped in the car and he started it. It didn't look like he felt so good. He was pale and panicky. It was like he either found out some really bad news or he was about the barf all over his own floor board.

"Hospital why are we going to the hospital," I could feel my mind slipping away into a state of shock.

"Rachel..." he took a deep breath, "We're going to the hospital because that is where Emily is."

It was like he threw a brick at my head when the realization set in of what exactly was going down.

"Hey... It's not your fault." He grabbed my hand.

"She told me she was leaving the office. Why would Emily only tell me? What was she doing?"

"Take a deep breathe and prepare yourself because we may never find out."

"Never find out?" I murmured, confusion spreading all over my face.

"She's sort of unconscious. Unresponsive. Rachel, she was in a bad car accident. The nurse on the phone said it wasn't her fault so in a way, if you think about it, she didn't do this because of us last night. That kind of guilt, you don't have to worry about," he said, calmingly.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Forget everything with Eugene and even her attitude sometimes. She was a person. She affected all of our lives whether we wanted it or not. I just hoped she lived through this because I don't know if I can live with myself if she doesn't.

Many miles of highway later, Eugene continued to speed into a parking position. The try guys and I all jumped out of our cars at about the same time only to run in the ER doors together.

Letting go of things is something I feel like many of us struggle with. I can't change everything not matter how much I want to, so you'd think I'd be easy just to let go. Rease the worries from my grasp, but sometimes you can't help what situations you are put into. Like my situation now. So, I'm going to focus on the things I can change

We all walked in the hospital. A nurse walked up to us like we were expected. She took a deep breath and looked like she was gathering her thoughts for a second, "I'm assuming you are all here for Emily. She was awake when we received her," she looked at me, "And since you are the only girl out of this little group, I'm assuming you're Rachel. She's only asking for you. I'd go now and talk before it's too late. Things are not looking good.

The breath hitched and it felt like my heart might explode. Now is not the time for a panic attack, Rachel. All I could do was nod as she led me off to here room. I turned to walk in, but I paused to look back at the guys. Eugene caught my eye, giving me a reassuring look like it would make everything all okay again.

Taking a deep breath, I looked back in the room and walked towards the hospital bed in the middle of the room.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now