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The weekend was over. Yes, I love my job, but like any other person I dread the day I have to wake up early and trek into work. Maybe it helped a little, since I spent Sunday at home to gather my thoughts of all the thing that happened over the very eventful weekend.

Driving to work, my car was silent. On my way I decided it would be night to shut the radio off and have nothing to listen to but the LA traffic passing by me. My way to work is like showers for other people. It's my time to gather myself and be prepared for what's to come. 

Today, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't preparing myself to see Emily and I'm sure Eugene said something to the guys about what happened to us over the weekend.

I pulled up to the office and parked as straight as I could, although parking is not my strong suit.

I got out of my white 2012, Chevy Malibu and looked over as I heard another door shut with mine.

Caring the case of coffee I picked up for the whole office, I walked over to Emily and handed her one with a genuine smile. Forgiveness has never been my strong suit either. Look at me trying new things...

Walking in the office, I sat the coffees down on the table. They lasted mere seconds as everyone grabbed one like they were giant birds of prey and the coffees were little innocent mice.

I let them sit in and enjoy the coffee in peace. The walk to my office long and drawn out. It was like the entire thing with Emily Saturday night had affected every single, little aspect of everything I do.

Sitting down at my desk after I finally got there, I looked up at my computer screen to find a note.

Going out... Be back soon. It's work related, so don't worry.

Thanks. - Emily.

Why would she leave it on my computer?

I ripped it off my computer screen and through it in the recycle pin like it was my daily free throw practice. I couldn't help but hope she wasn't lying, but for some reason I'm having trouble trusting her.

I stood up and walked out to find Eugene, instead I ran into Keith on my way. Not literally. He's tall and hard to miss so if I actually ran into him it would be a very embarrassing fail...

"We want you to film a video with us."

I nodded, "Sure. I can help you with the lighting and cameras."

Ned walked up to us, "No. Rachel. Like in front of the camera."

"Not behind," Keith commenting in his comedic, silly way.

Laughing a little, "Okay... I don't have to where heels for a night again?"

"No... Even though, I didn't win, I will have to get a rematch with you later," Ned said with a smirk, "We're filming a video with Eugene. He setting everything up now. He can explain it."

Instantly got a little worried over the topic could be, but I walked outside to where Eugene was sitting on the picnic table.

He waved a beer at me, "I know this is your favorite beer and you should come in the video and say why." I could tell he had already been drinking. there were about ten beers lined up on the table and the guys kept calling him the "rank king" so It didn't take me long to figure out the video.

I nodded and sat down beside him, "'Hello try-asars. Long time no see," the guys all made dinosaur noises from behind the camera which made me laugh slightly.

"You greeted them before me?" he asked looking at me, cameras rolling.

"I obviously like them more than you..."

Eugene scoffed, "Well, I see how this relationship is going to go," he said pointing between us.

He let that cat out of the bag fast. One long weekend and here we are announcing us to the whole freaking internet. I'm only internally panicking slightly.

He handed me a -beer name-, "Why is this your favorite?"

"Long story short, it's the best because the east coast is definitely the best place to be, no offense LA.. but I am from Indiana. I lived there most of my like. It reminds me of home."

"That is so thoughtful," Eugene said, acting like he cared as he gave the camera a sly smirk. Opening the beer, he took a drink, "I'm the rank king so that means?"

I rolled my eyes before imitating him, "I'm right. You're wrong."

"Exactly.." He sat the beer about in the middle. "And don't even think about saying I'm wrong. Rachel."

I shrugged. I stood up but remained in the camera frame, "Don't apologize when I give you the cold shoulder tonight"

His eyes widened a little. Now I'm the one who is flirting in front of the camera. The tables have turned.

"If you like them," he pointed at the camera like the fans were literally inside it, "so much more than me maybe that is a good thing," he said, continuing the fake fight.

Ned walked out, "Eugene has a girlfriend!!??" He said, jumping up and down.

"Shhh. We aren't official yet..." I said under my breath. I don't want Eugene to get freaked and run away from me forever.

"Imagine all of the fan fictions about them," Keith interrupted and Zach nodded in approval.

I sighed. Screw the internet. 

"Okay, Eugene, we need to focus. The video is almost over. Ned you're part is coming up," Keith said as he redirected everyone to focus.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now