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No pressure, but today is my very first day at buzzfeed. Everyone pretty much knows that when you start working here, you have to have a senior employee there to guide you and watch your back for the entirety of your first year. Sure, I get it. I'm a newb. I understand why I need to be closely watched, which is due to my inexperience. I was grateful to my boss, seeing as he made sure to remind me of the fact that I needed to chose someone in the first place. Picking my supervisor was by far the hardest decision I would have to make yet, especially for my grey matter.

An employee from the buzzfeed office walked me over to the desk that would be labeled as mine. This was the most exciting part to me. I find myself scanning the desks around me to see who I'd be spending most of my time with. My eyes darted over to the try guys sitting across from me. Almost holding my breath, I held back the urge to fan-girl. Let's just push that feeling far down. It was The Try Guys. I mean, how can you not freak out. They are right in front of me. I put my head down in an attempt to not stare.

My goal in LA is to achieve greatness at buzzfeed and be known as that, not to be known as the weird fangirl. I distracted myself by checking my email. The task soon ended when I found an empty inbox. I exited out of the tab in a quick manner and snapped my laptop closed soon after.

I slide out of my chair and to my feet to then walk down the row of desks all lined with mine. I guided myself down the hall to the best room out of the entire buzzfeed building. It was the snacks and refreshments room of course. It's really just a storage room filled with shelves and tables stashed with snacks.

The entire reason I'm awake started to pull at me again. It was the need for caffeine. Just like every other day of the week, I give into the addiction and drink my mid-day cup of coffee. Moments later, my break was over and my coffee was gone. This was a new job and I wasn't burn out yet, so leaving the break room wasn't too hard to do.

I sat down in my office chair and shifted as I opened my laptop back up. I checked my email once again just to be sure. A notification popped up. Beep, Beep... You've got mail. I almost immediately opened the new email, not being able to hold it off any longer simply because of my need to know everything. A list of all the senior cretors from buzzfeed popped up on my screen. Now, I just have to choose one. That is easier said than done. I looked through the list as I debated on which person I would like to choose. It was a hard decision. My view of them never wavered. The Try Guys genuinely were good people, on and off screen.

I narrowed it down and made the decision to pick from The Try Guys. cutting everyone else out of the competition to be my supervisor. I know... I should keep my mind open to anyone, but I know them better than the rest of the people here at buzzfeed. Looking up at them from my desk, I contemplated which one I wanted to ask to help me through my first year with buzzfeed.

I brainstormed, trying to figure out who the best senior creator would be for me. When was done, I stood up from my office chair and walked over to Ned. He looked like he was zoned out. I knew he was more than likely focusing on making a video, since he had his headphones on. I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention.

I glanced behind my back as I sat down in Eugene's chair, temporarily stealing it. I watched as Ned took his headphones off, giving me all his attention in that moment, "What's up, Rachel?" He asked.

I sighed as I tried to gathered all the words I planned to say in a (hopefully) coherent sentence, "I know that starting off here at buzzfeed- I need to choose a senior to watch over me in my first year here." I said pausing for his reaction.

He nodded his head like he taking in the information. Ned's green, hazel eyes still trailing me like he was trying to figure something out. One second he was normal Ned and the next it was like someone flipped he light switch. Light bulbs go off in his eyes as he realized where I was going with all of this.

"I was just wondering if you would like to help me out this year and be my supervisor?" I asked as my hands come together at my lap.

Just by looking at him, I could tell Ned tried to contain his excitement. He was still getting jumpier with excitement by the second. "I'd love to!! Yay! Yay! Yay!" He jumped up and down, staying in his chair, "Guys, She chose me," he voiced excitedly, using his cute victory voice, in a competitive manner, "Not you! Ha ha."

Zach and Keith both groaned and mumbled like, "Whatever.." or "Great, Ned." or "Figures."

Ned smiled and looked at me, "I'm shocked that you didn't pick perfect Eugene."

"Why would I-"

I was cut off, "Speaking of Eugene," Eugene said in third person like it was normal. He looked down at me as I was sitting in his chair, "You are kinda in my seat, newb.."

"Oh, right... Sorry," I said, trying to shake off the part where he calmed me newb. Although, he was not wrong.

Standing up from his office chair. I got got out of his way as before he sat down. I smiled over at Ned, "Want to have a quick meeting at lunch? I have a video idea," I asked.

He nodded slightly, "See ya then.." He swiveled back to face his desk as I made my way back to mine.

On the walk back, I heard Eugene mutter, "She really didn't choose me.. That stings a little... This feels weird.." I heard him sigh and pause for just a second as I shamelessly continued to listen in on on them, "What am I thinking? I don't even know her. It shouldn't sting. That's not normal for me." Ned turned to him, "Well, then-- we should invite her to a try guys shoot. So, we can all get to know her a little better." Thinking about what I just overheard, I sat down at my desk and started to type out my video idea Just for the purpose of not losing any details I want to have in from now to the possible shoot. I put my headphones in as I started to tune out everything to get in the writing zone.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now