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Morning rain washed down on the perpetually dry LA soil. Me being from a farm on the east coast, it was not a problem for me. I loved rain and the smell made me feel closer to home. Right now I needed it, because I'm the closest to hell I'll ever get to on earth and the devil just walked away from me as I stood up.

My plea to leave was turned down quickly as Emily insisted on making breakfast. 

I walked to the table in the kitchen and looked at her as Emily started to cook at the stove. I watched her as she stirred the mushy uncooked eggs.

She turned around, spoon in hand. "I'm an so jealous of you.

My eyes light up with confusion, I sighed, "Why in the world are you jealous of me??

"Because you have no idea how much those guys like you. You should see the how they look at me compared to how they talk about you..." she turned around to stir the eggs.

"You're new. They'll warm up to you," I said before taking a drink of water.

"Um, Yeah right... I just kissed your guy and they all saw me." She shook her head and looked at the floor, still facing away from me.

My guy?

Not going to lie, made my heart a little happier when I heard that.

"Oh. I'm sure they didn't think anything of it. It's Eugene you kissed, ya know..."

"I don't think so." She started to plate the food.

Emily sat the plate and silverware beside me before sitting across from where I was at the table.

I stabbed some egg with my fork and lifted it up to my mouth. "Why not?" 

"Zach and Keith looked like they were going to kill me and then they stayed with you for the rest of the night to make sure you were okay. They made me feel bad so when you passed out I drove us here."

I must have drank a lot because that all sounds like a far off dream.

Emily nodded as if she saw the thought cross my mind, "Yeah. You were wasted."

My thoughts raised as I tried to remember the events of the night and he only thing that really stuck in my head was the one thing I really wanted to forget forever.

We finished eating. I convinced Emily to let me do the dishes. 

As the water was filling up the sink, Emily walked up beside me to talk. "I know I made a huge mistake at the bar and there is not way to restart yesterday but I do think there is a way for you to reach deep enough in your heart to forgive me...?"

I shrugged, avoided eye contact and occupied myself out of the conversation as I scrubbed the dishes.

"I think if we let this who thing behind us, it will make the work environment a lot more healthy," She added and crossed her arms.

"So now you care about a healthy work environment...?"

All she did was reply with a nod.

I sighed and turned towards her, "Let's say we forget about the stupid kiss last night... What happens with Jake?"

"Why do you care? He's your ex." she had a dumb confused look on her face.

Sighing with frustration, "Yeah he's my ex but I almost married the dude. Not to mention he followed my to LA I'm pretty sure..."

"Then maybe if he is still obsessed with you he won't care about my kiss with Eugene.."

"Oh my god. You don't get it.."

"Get what?" She said with more dumb faces.

"He followed me here and now he's using you to get to me."

It looked like a light bulb clicked on in her head. "Oh... Well. I'll just keep him away from you. IF you forgive me."

"I can try, Em.."

I finished the dishes. I looked out the window in front of the sink as the rain washed down the glass on the outside before walking away. I could hear Emily following behind me.

"You can't hate me that much. You just gave me a nickname."

Turning and walking with her, "You have got a little closer to being a new friend around the office after today, Emily." I smiled lightly.

This entire time I ignored my phone, not thinking twice about the ringing coming from the coffee table.

At the end of the day, I couldn't help but forgive her. It helped that it was actually pouring down rain outside and I didn't want to bother Eugene to pick me up, as my car is still at the office. 

Also, Who know what Eugene is thinking right now.. Does he remember the Emily kiss? Did I say something to him the I don't remember now? Stress of the night washed back over me like the rain did LA.

Rain, Rain. Go away.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now