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My mother has always told me, "Don't wish for it... Work for it..." Occasionally, she'd feel a little snappy and yell, "MONEY DOESN'T GROW ON TREES, DARLING. CREATE YOUR OWN FREAKING HAPPINESS!"

Typically, I like to remember the part where she wasn't spewing profanities about being a single mother. I have to look over all of that. Most everything she ever told me was important, even if I didn't realize it at the time. I do realize that now. I sure didn't back in the day when it was all going down. When you're a teenager, perspective becomes blurred and you lose track of what you adult figure was trying to tell you all along.

Long story short, my dad wasn't in the picture. The entirety of my childhood was spent with my mother. She taught everything I know, common sense wise. Can't forget about my dreadful public school experience...

I'm doing what she told me to do, taking in and applying everything she ever told me. After all, that's the way the become proud of you, right? She preached and preached to me everyday. Every word of the lectures were about finding myself, because nothing is better than being an individual... you are responsible for your own happiness. That's what I'm doing. I'm working on me and my future. I might be far away from her with me being in LA now, but I can keep in touch. Keep her proud. I am her only child after all.

Ned and I met back at the office after lunch. When we were out and about, grabbing lunch,I told him all about it. He agreed on helping out further into the video making process, since he thought it was a good idea. Ned gave me the go ahead to start working on it anytime this week.

At our meeting, I brought up the video idea to ask people what they honestly thought about their hair styles. The deal was, if they wanted to change them they had to agree to be in the video. The willing participants would have to get their haircut in a way that improved their look, but they wouldn't be able to see what it was until it was complete done. Not one peak into the mirror until the last cut or the last strip of dye.

Soon enough, the recruiting stage was over. I went around the office to find a few fellow buzzfeed members to ask if they would be interested in participating in the video. I got my list of three other people. Completing my list of willing employees, I sat down at my desk to start making calls. Finding a hair stylist, ready by tomorrow and willing to be filmed was quite the challenge, but I didn't give up. I got all of the people acquired, then I emailed the people who were going to be in the video.Basically, I told them we would start to film at 11 tomorrow and to have their haircut ideas ready to go by then!

My eyes beamed up from desk to try to see they try guys. All four of their office chairs each placed at their desks were empty. They were all gone. I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders up and down. I dragged my eyes back down to my laptop screen, figuring they were off shooting a video. No need to go and bother them. The rest of the office was noiseless. We were all working keenly on our own individual projects.

"Hey. Rach! The guy and I were wondering if-"

Jumping at the abrupt sound, I turned my head quickly in the direction it spurred from to see Eugene standing beside my chair. He dropped his eyes down to meet with mine.

I took a calming deep breath in before I placed my hand over my chest. Raising my hand up, I waved my finger at him. "You scared me, Yang..."

"Opps... Sorry, I seriously didn't mean to shake you up." he smirked as if he was proud of himself. You're really starting to show your true colors, E. His smirk translated over to my lips like it was contagious.

"Don't worry about it," I shrugged, "I should have been paying attention anyway."

He cleared his throat, "We were wondering if you wanted to help us out with a video?" he asked, looking hopeful for a yes.

"Um..." I said as I thought about it, "I have nothing to do until tomorrow, so why not, right?" I asked rhetorically. Standing up from my chair, Eugene and I were now basically on the same level. Face to face.

"Okay, I'll walk with you then."

Walking side by side, hip by hip, we made it to the filming room.

Once I was through the door, the first thing I noticed where the try guys standing beside a system of lights and cameras. I saw a Keith, the one and only. The instant our eyes met, his face lit up and his arms flew up in the air. "I told ya she would say yes. You owe me twenty bucks, Zach!"

Eugene scoffed as he rolled his eyes at the over enthusiastic Keith. Meanwhile, a smile was suddenly plaster on my face. "Alrighty then," I paused for a second, "What are we shooting that is so important you wanted the new girl to be in it?" I put my hands on my hips as I waited for the answer.

Zach started to walk towards me with something in his hands. Once he was close enough, he handed me a pair of heels. "We figured you would be the one to say yes right away, seeing that you really are new to buzzfeed and all."

I rolled my eyes, knowing they were right...I think I would have said yes to anything like this. Exposure is everything in this industry.

Looking down, a nice pair of heels laying in my hands, "You cannot be serious," I said pointing down at the shoes. I looked back and forth between them sitting in my hands to the guys like they were evil.

Keith stepped over, standing tall beside Zach, "We are more than serious! Plus... You still don't know what the video actually is." The guys all had smirked on their faces as they laughed with him. My face on the other had, stone cold and serious. I took the heels and walked towards the camera. We started to do the shoot, which is the intro to the video where we tell everyone what is about to go down. It's weird being on this end of it all.

Keith basically waved us off back from the cameras. He told us that intro was a wrap, and it was time to start the part where we show on the video what heals we were going to wear. All of us put the heels on. Surprisingly, the guys can rock heels. They may struggle to walk in them, certainly not comfortably, but they look dang good. Meaning, they could probably rock anything. The heels I had to wear were definitely not going to be as painful as Eugene's dagger like heels.

The deal was, whoever left them on the longest or the whole night while we go bar hopping, wins.

I threw on a casual outfit to match the heels. The heal was thick and sturdy, meaning it was going to be more comfortable, it felt like they had pretty good ankle support. Overall, I lucked out and got the best pair, AKA the winning pair. I walked out of the shooting room since that part of it was over at this point. My mindset was that I had this challenge in the freaking bag. I wear heels more than the guys do. Obviously since my a girl, I feel like I have the upper hand and I am ready for this.

The day at the office went by quickly. After the shoot wrapped, it left us with only a few hours left to work on stuff at our desks. Everyone's work day was over, but not for us, time to go win this shoot. People started to flush out of the office, leaving the try guys and I the last on to leave.

As a group five, we in front of the building to do the rest of the video, each of us had a little camera to keep everyone updated on how we were doing or feeling.

None of them looked comfortable standing on the pavement with heels. Smirking over at them, "Are we ready??" They groaned, giving to to situation knowing it was an unwinnable situation on their part. All of us made our way down the LA streets to our first location, the closest bar to the buzzfeed office. 

When we finally got there, all of us walked inside and sat down. Eugene sat next to me. Keith and Zach sat next to each other, all of us in a line at the front of the bar. Where was Ned? Did we lose him on the way? I thought I just saw him... I peer around until my eye finally got a glimpse. Of course... I would lose him when he was right in front of my face, ordering us all drinks.

 He stumbled over, not drunk, just uncomfortable in the heels. He handed us all drinks."Thanks.." Eugene said. I took a glass off of the circular tray, before the rest of them grabbed their drinks. I thanked him before sitting it down back at the bar on a classic bar stool. 

All of us finally finished out drinks and headed to the next bar. There shall be no time wasted in this precious process. The next bar was a little more exciting than the last . The was more music and light and most importantly, more people with a higher energy level. They were probably more intoxicated compared to the last place.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now