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(small)>> A/N:

Check out the playlist that goes with this book!! >> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6d9z8OCvSKY5AejJvi2Dp8 

- Also, I'm going to change the title of the story again. I don't like it being call Pandemonium....



Jumping I turned around quickly, my hand still on the door knob. My eyes widened slightly to see a older man. He look like he was pushing fifty or around that age. I squinted my eyes as the gears in my mind spun, trying to figure out who this was.

His hand went to his chest, "Oh. I'm sorry. I should have know you wouldn't recognize me."

"Uhhh, okay?" I was started to get nervous.

"I tried to call you earlier yesterday but you didn't answer me. Only to be expected from a stranger," his eyes became cold and lifeless as he stared in my eyes, "You have no idea who I am, do you?"

"No... Who are you?" I asked as I took a few steps back. I was trying to keep my distance, but I was soon stopped by the front door behind me pressing on my back. The sudden cold surface on my warm back sent a slight chill down my spine. I gulped as I tried to stay calm

He took a step closer. It wasn't that much closer but it felt like he stepped right into my soul as he stood over me, "Rachel. I'm your father."

And with that, his voice brought back memories I'd had locked up. It all clicked like the gears that were holding the memories back from my conscious mind just became shiny and brand new.

November 2002, In a small town in Indiana.

"Daddy!! Let's go play!" I said a I tugged on his mustard yellow sweatshirt.

He sighed audibly, "Rachel, I'm working."

"But I just turned seven a couple weeks ago!!"

I looked up at him with my big, child-like brown eyes to pout, but I could tell that nothing was going to get through to his very stubborn, old mind.

"I can help you work outside!"

He ignored my plee.

"Mom said I'm a good helper."

"Well, Mom doesn't know what she's talking about."

I laughed, "You're too funny."

He rolled his eyes, "Go play in your room."

"But I wanna be with you," I said as I picked up my stuffed tan rabbit that I dropped on the floor earlier. It was a birthday present and I've been obsessed with it since. Cousins always give the best presents.

He mumbled something but I couldn't make it out. I shrugged it off as a lame adult thing and went on about entertaining myself. As the only child, you get good at that.

The family dog, Luke, was trying to take my rabbit toy, but my small hands refused to let go of Mr. Rabbit.

"Damn, dog," my dad shook his head at Luke before walking away from both of us in annoyance.

"Herm, Watch your language!" my mom yelled at him from the kitchen.

"Like you're any better, bitch," he walked back over to me. "I have an idea."

My eyes widened with excitement as he came back over to me, "What? What? What?"

"Let's go play hide and seek outside. Sound good?" He asked, leaning down to talk to me as I sat on the floor.

I nodded and ran straight for the door, "Hurry up!!"

The dogs nail clattered against the wood floor as he ran out behind us, making it first out to the grass in the fenced in yard.

"I'll hide. You seek, Rachel. Okay?" He asked, looking down at me.

The november sky was grey. Leaves rustle on the ground and the chilly breeze nipped at my bare arms. I was so excited to play I didn't even grab a jacket. Opps.

"Okay, dad."

"Close your eyes. Give me twenty seconds."

I nodded as I almost jumped out my skin. Breath Rachel...

Closing my eyes and facing away from the yard for good measure, I started to count.

One. Two. Three... Ten. Eleven... The leaves stopped rustling and everything grew silent in the yard, other that the sound of the robins. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty! My eyes popped out.

"Ready or not. Here I come!" I had the sudden urge that I had to pee, but this is hide and seek. Life or death. I can't just go inside to the bathroom. Why do I always have to go right in the middle of hide and seek...? So unprepared, Rachel.

I looked and looked and looked. Behind the play set. Under the Picnic table. Behind the tree. Oh, wait. There's one more place. The other tree! I slowly walked over and was about to turn the corner.

"I got yo-" He wasn't there. The yard was empty.

"Man. You're a good hider, Dad," I shook my head and smiled as I continued to look for him, "But I'm a better seeker," I said in a high pitched, sing songy voice.

Eventually. I had looked everywhere. Everywhere. The trees. The play set. The back porch. The shed. Behind the shed and around the fence. Everywhere. But my young mind refused to stop seeking, so I looked in the house. I could hear sniffling like crying in my moms room, but I'm on a closed mind mission. I need to find him. I looked everywhere I could possibly think of before returning outside.

I walked to the gate of the fence and noticed it was open. Just when I was about to close it, Luke ran back in the fence.

"Lukey!! At least I found you bud." He jumped up and down with excitement as I bet the cute, little beagle mix.

As I closed and locked the gate(my mom taught me how recently!) a paper note flew out of it, "I'm sorry. We'll meet again. I love you, Rachel. You'll understand when you're older."

Present. LA.

Will I understand when I'm older, dad? Really...? 

Because, I'd like to confidently say that I do not understand. How can you leave your family? Especially like that. 

Here, I have a note for you too, boy, we're about to tangle.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now