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Walking into the bar was like walking into one big cloud of smoke contain with walls and the drink people inside contributing to it. Emily graciously decided to be the driver and stay sober the entire night so she could drive us all home safely when the time came.

I walked up to the bar and choose my seat. Eugene sitting next to me and Emily on his other side. I wanted to tell her, If you're going to stay sober, you might as well stay in the car..... But I kept my mouth shut tight.

Keith order us all shots and refused to let anyone else pay for them. 

Fine with me, Boss. 

The bartender poured our drinks. All of us picked up the glass and clanked them together as Ned said, "To One Million!"

"I'm so proud of us!" Emily commented like she has helped us that much so fast.

Mental eye roll...

Throughout the night, I stayed at my seat and drank slowly, so I wouldn't be plastered too soon. Also, I realized it was good that Emily was the sober one because the alcohol was really helping me deal with her.

Eugene looked over at me and held out his hand, "Hey, Wanna dance?"

I reluctantly shook my head, "Not in the mood tonight. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it," he stated simply with a classic one of his smirks.

Emily was already standing and dragging him to the dance floor.

I watched them dance for a minute before my attention was pouring another drink in front of me.

"Oh... I didn't order another drink."

It felt like he looked into my soul when he looked up at my brown eyes with his blue, "I know... It's on me. You look like you need it." His eyes pointed to the dance floor.

I nodded, "Thanks." I smiled genuinely before taking a sip.

too many hours and drinks later..

I looked over to talk to Eugene when I saw he was gone and back on the dance floor with Emily. Instead this time, their hands were not the only thing that were connected. They were kissing like no one was watching.

I would be lying to myself If I didn't feel hurt. The one thing I promised myself when I moved to LA months ago was, I wouldn't move for a boy or 'love interest'. I would move for myself and to live my dream and now here I am. At a bar. Sitting and sulking here myself for a boy the probably doesn't even return the same feelings I do. I don't want to lie because the crush I've develt for Eugene Lee Yang was definitely real.

What irks me the most is Emily is sober and knowly kissing up and dancing on him. She has to know.... Was her action really so invincible? Or which one of us was blind to the realitly of Eugene and I's feelings toward one another?

Prying my eyes away from the mostrasity happening behind me, I saw the bartender pouring me a drink again.

"Thanks but you don't have to do that," My speech wasn't slurred yet but I could definitely feel the alcohol pumping through and affecting me.

"No. Don't say that. I've seen a lot of people in hear today. Some need..... help."

"Do I really look that pitiful?"

"Have you seen him?" He looked at Eugene and back to me. "If that's what I liked and he was dancing with some other girl I would look pitiful too." He started walking away but turned back quickly, "Enjoy."

Eventually, I drank myself so far down the rabbit hole it felt like functioning was not an option.

I stood up to leave, not caring where Ned or Keith went but something stopped me.

The events blurred as my vision blackened and faded for what would be the worst night in LA.



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