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The engine of the car reved to life as Eugene turned the key in the ignition. He started to drive down the street.

"So. The plan is..." he asked, glancing from me to the road.

"The plan is... I'm going to run inside my house. Grab a bag and but some clothes in it. And I'll come back out get in the car, then you'll drive off back to your place."

"Well, now you make me sound stupid. That's simple," he turned onto my street and drove to my driveway.

I jumped out of the car and ran inside to complete my plan.

I was back outside in ten minutes tops with a backpack. I buckled my seatbelt and looked over at Eugene.

"That was fast," he said, as he started to drive back to his house.

I sighed, "I told you... I should be in the olympics."

"I don't think helping the try guys is going to get you to the olympics."

"Then I quit!" I threw my first in the air.

I noticed he rolled his eyes, "Like I'm going to let that happen."

"Eugene, then I'll take it up with the big guns, " I added, smirking.

"And who is that?"


"You're right. Fuck. I feel like he actually would think you were serious," he grabbed my thigh, "But, I'm pretty sure you're stuck with me."

Parking and shutting off the car, we both got out and walked inside his house.

Getting ready for bed, I found peace in the fact that I wasn't in my house alone. The whole thing with my dad coming back, sure it had its pros, but right now... All I can think about are the cons.

I pulled my red, oversized crewneck sweatshirt over my head, before I walked out to Eugene's room.

"You said your dad's name is Hermann, right?" he called from the other room.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, slightly furrowing my brow.

"Don't freak out, but I was going through my mail..."

I ran out to where he was, worry was obviously spread on my face.

"I got a two traffic citations. Both by him."

I gasped and put my hand over my mouth.

"Does he know about us?"

I nodded, "And he made it obvious that you weren't good for me. Not that I believe it, but-"

"Please, don't start rambling. If we're happy, thats all that matters, right?" He grabbed my hand.

"Right. I know. Sorry."

He pecked my lips and I returned the favor, "Let's go to bed."

I smiled as we walked down the hall, hand in hand.

Monday Morning

"I'm just saying... Next time, I'm driving us to work," I said pointing at him from the passenger seat of his car.

He rolled his eyes, "We might not be too sure of anything in the unique relationship but the one thing I am sure of is, I am still a control freak. I'm driving."

I shrugged it off as my mind went to the road. Watching all the cars that passed on the busy LA road drew me into a deep state of thinking and in that moment it felt perfect. Perfect other than the obvious danger of the other driver, that always worries me. Everything in my life was meant to lead to this and I was perfectly content with that. It was like I was on the verge of disaster, but I didn't care. The love of my life was beside me and suddenly I was okay with every single decision I've ever made, good or bad. That felt weird.

Time can heal a lot of wounds, mental and physical, but it can't heal like acceptance.

I was pulled out of the zone, ripped painfully out of it to say the least. From my surroundings, the thinking was forced. I was on the verge of dying. Literally...

Why can't I see anything?

I felt my eyes open and blink, but I couldn't actually see anything. It was black I heard someone yelling out at me. As I gather what I was feeling, it didn't seem like I was sitting up right. Sharp things were poking all over my body. Was that glass? Why aren't we moving? This is weird.

I realized how fast I was breathing. I tried to slow it down to avoid passing out again. Again? Shit, I must have a concussion.

Regaining my vision, all the pieces of the puzzle became but together. The car was on its side. We must have been hit so hard by a driver that it knocked us over. Eugene? He not awake.

I realized I was screaming. How long have I been screaming, bloody murder and why didn't it wake up Eugene...?

"Oh no. No. No. NO. Eugene! Eugene!" I felt hot tears stream down my face. "I need you, baby. Wake up."

This seat belt really hurts my side. What the hell is happening?

I could hear sirens pushing their way through the traffic to come to us.

My focus mostly remained on Eugene. There was nothing that could stop me from wanted to help him, to wake him up. Not even the loud, obnoxious person still trying to get my attention from outside the car.

Flashback after flashback was going through my mind. This can't be happening. Is this what emily went though... Alone?? Stop crying, Rachel and help him.

Reaching out, I touched his shoulder. "Eugene. We were in a car accident can you hear me?" His face had blood running down one side. Must be from the impact of his side hitting the ground or the window breaking beside him.

I could hear firemen running towards the car, all ready and willing to help. And let me tell ya, we need it.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now