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I don't want the guys to read my book. I love it sm and I'm not really looking forward to them making fun of it if they do find this.

Just my opinion *shoulder shrug*

Try guys: If you read this, I love you and that's why I take the time to write this story. <3 pls don't make fun of my work.. THANK YOU for noticing it!! ily. keep up the amazing work... I will always be inspired <3 :D

Doubt they will see it..


I wrote this very early in the morning since I'm trying to get out daily chapters for you <3. Might be a little weird. Hope you enjoy.

Remember to vote and follow for post notifications. <3 I LOVEEE to hear what you think so comment anything you want, loves.


The next morning

I woke up to laughter and whispering floating around the room.

Suddenly, I came to the reality of my current situation.

Flinging my eyes open, I lift my head off of Eugene's chest and look at him. He was still passed out. I looked over to where the noise was coming from before jumping up, awaking Eugene with a gasp..

"I promise it's not what it looked like," I said as the panic attack was about to set in.

Keith nodded and shook his head, "Yeah. Sure." He seemed to enjoy the thought of what might have happened. Which it didn't. Eugene and I are coworkers so he shouldn't like that, but it's just Keith... Right??

I tug on the shirt I had on to show them I had and kept it on the whole time. "We had clothes on the entire time..."

"Just a late night at the office and neither one of us wanted to go home so we fell asleep when I was showing her anime.." Eugene defended as he sat up.

"Oh yeah... What else did you show her?" Keith said with a smirk.

I tried not to blush. What am I doing?! I shouldn't be blushing. Nothing happened. Yeah. We drank and passed out on each other but that was the most exciting thing that happened really.

I looked over at Eugene as he gave them all an aggravated stare.

I walked back to the desks where our office was and they followed me there.

I sat down at my desk and started to reply to some of the companies emailing them about sponsorships. The room was calm and quiet as we all did our own share of work. Gettin' shit done.

Breaking the silence, "Has anyone seen Emily??" Eugene asked as he eyes bounced off the four of us.

It was like a cue or something. She came running into the room. Out of breath and looking like a mess she said, "I am so sorry. Alarm didn't go off. Dog peed on most of my clothes and these were the only clean ones...." She sat at her desk and rested for a second before setting up her stuff.

"Seems to me like you need to get a control on that. Second day and your late..." I said to her across the desk so that the other guys couldn't here.

Realizing what I just said.... What am I doing? She's enemy number one right now... Why and I helping her..?

"Eugene.. I'm going to go vlog about getting a dog," Zach said as he walked out with the camera.

"Alright. Be careful. I tell the other guys when they out of the editing zone." Keith and Ned sat with headphones on.

Zach nodded and walked out.

I stood up and ran to catch up, "Wait, can I go??"

"Ohhh! That would be fun. Plus the people would love to see you," he snickered, pointing at the camera.

"Well, I was planning on staying behind the camera to help you film."

"That works too."

We walked to Zach's car. He tossed me the keys, "I'm trusting you.."

"Don't worry... I'm a great driver.."

From the porch of the house, "I wouldn't trust her..." Eugene yelled so we could hear him.

"How would you know?? You haven't even seen me drive?"

He shrugged, "Just saying." He walked back in the house.

Zach and I drove around for a bit to get the intro to the video. Then we got the dog. He critically picked the best trained puppy. I mean... How good could a PUPPY really be?? That's why they are the freakin' cutest but I'm sure not going to tell him or Keith about my hatred of cats. I don't want to get on their bad side that early.

We vlogged and vlogged until the video felt complete so We started to drive back to the office.

The car ride was silent as Zach drove us back, occasionally he would look back and check on the dog. Then, looking over at me before breaking the silence and slight tension that filled the car he asked, "So what really happened between you and Eugene?"

"We both worked late and decided that we might as well just stay in the office since it was so late and we passed out on the couch together.."

"Oh okay. Right," he said sarcastically.

"Fine.. none of you guys believe us but that is seriouly what happened," I crossed my arms as the frustration set in. 

"You can keep saying that but Eugene already told us that you almost kissed.."

"You. Guys. Are. Soooooo. Immature."

Zach snicked and kept the sly smirk on his face as we parked and walked in the office.


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