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WARNING- This is the next to last chapter for book one! More Rachel & Eugene(R&E) to come in book two(YAY! There's going to be a book two!) My plan is for that to come out next Mid-December 2018!!! Hope you are as excited as I am.


I continue to live a normal life. I drive to work everyday. I talk to my boyfriend-ish thing everyday, even though we still aren't official. Lately, I've been staying at my house more than his. I'll admit, I was worried that we were growing apart but I've realized we're fine. We just work. A lot. All the time. Probably to much?

Days in the office were honestly my favorite. It brought back a sense of normal in my temporarily chaotic life after the accident. I don't even know why that would be my favorite. Anyone else would be like, ew work... But here I am. Ready and ever willing.

11:08 PM Saturday Night

"Why did we think this was a good idea...?" I asked as a few beeps played throughout the room as I set the oven to preheat.

Eugene shrugged. His back was too me as he got the ingredients for a cake out of the cabinet. "Who really has a good idea at eleven at night anyway..?"

"That's true." I walked over to one of the drawers and got out a few mixing spoons. Walking back over to Eugene, he already had the floor measured out in the bowl. I pointed down at the mess already forming around the bowl, "We are already doomed."

Eugene smirked like something evil was going to come from him. He raised up his hand. Floor coming off of it slightly.

"Don't," I pleaded, stepping back.

He laughed as he put a hug handprint on my shoulder.

Looking down at the flour print, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them, "Get ready for pay back, Eugene Lee Yang..."

Rolling his eyes slightly, he looked up at me as he mixed the dry ingredients in one bowl. Despite the messy-ness of this being our first time cooking together, we can still read the directions on how to bake a cake correctly.

In the process of mixing up the flour and various other powdered thing, some of the stuff got pushed out. I made the quick decision to walk over and take the spoon out of his hand. Grabbing the wooden handle, I slid the bowl closer to me. "It's really not that hard to keep the ingredients in the bowl, Eugene."

He snickered slightly. "Oh, yeah?" he asked as he pulled the large mixing bowl suddenly away from me, causing floor to fly all over the front of his shirt.

Immediately noticing the karma that Eugene just played on himself, I smirked and leaned in a little closer, "Mhhh. I told you..."

"Go mix the rest," Eugene pouted as he tried to wipe the powdery tan substance off the front of his black shirt.

Shrugging as I walked slightly away to the other ingredients, I turned towards him, "Don't worry, We are probably going to bed after this anyway."

His head snapped up to connect both pairs of eyes, "We're going to bed together after this?" he raised an eyebrow.

I flung a little bit of water at him, "Not like that, perv. Just thought at this point in the relationship, we should actually go to sleep. In the same bed. Together."

He walked over and wrapped his arms around me waist, pulling me into a warm embrace. I sighed. Pure bliss.... I could stay here forever.

"I agree. Let's finish up this baking then!" he said before pulling away.

Stirring and stirring and stirring, I finally got it all mixed up and clump free. Together, Eugene and I put the cake batter into the little cake tin wrapper-thingies.

We put it in the over and started a time. Twenty minutes until cupcakes! Yay!

The thought that lingered still in my mind was, "Why are we baking cake at midnight???" But oh well. Sometimes it be like that and you just do what you gotta do. Right?

Both of us, stood in the kitchen, phones out and patients dropping as we waited for the timer to finally beep. One little thing. That little dang thing held us away from out prize. Such a stupid idea, but I guess we will get something good out of it.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me, looking up and down me. My eyes flickered up to Eugene as his did mine. "Why are you staring at me?"

"You're easy to stare at," he stated simply.

My cheeks started to warm and I could tell they were already a shade of red. Compliments were not exactly my forte.

"Well. stop staring at me."

His eyes didn't move, but mine didn't either, like they were anticipating his next move and move there was. Eugened arms scooped me up and sat me down on the counters, automatically resting down on the top of my thighs. Our lips closing the gap between us quickly. My chest was rising and falling fast as my breathing started to get more and more rapid.

My hands ran through his hair, finding their way to his neck and resting there as out lips danced together perfectly. Pulling apart for air, we both took a second to look into each other eyes. And without missing a beat, the oven timer went off as soon as our lips met back together.

I heard Eugene sigh slightly as he stepped away. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at the ground, "Sorry. Couldn't help it. I guess you were saved by the bell."

I frowned slightly as i jumped off the counter as I made my way over to the oven. "Sorry...? Are you crazy...? Don't apologize for that, especially since I didn't want the bell to save me..." I took the cupcake tin out of the over and put it on the counter. They looked perfect.

"I'll have to remember that for next time, Rach. But for now, let's cover the cakes up and go to bed."

I nodded with a yawn. Happy to cover them up, I got changed into a baggy sure. Even more happy to go to sleep in Eugene warm arms. For the longest time I never believe a home could be a person, but lately, I think I've changed my mind. 

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now