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And it was like the click of a switch. Tears welled up as I tried to hold them back.

He kept his voice low, "Visiting hours are over. We have to leave."

I didn't want to leave, just out of fear that she would be gone in the morning. But I knew, in the back of my mind, there was no fighting it.

I stood up, turning towards Eugene. I nodded and walked towards the door, "I'm just worried about her, ya know...?"

Eugene sighed, "I know." He rubbed my back and pushed us further out of the room.

Coughing erupted behind us as I was about to walk through the doorway. My eyes darted over to make sure the coughing didn't come from Eugene. Apparently, we had the same idea. We stood frozen, looking into each others eyes for a good ten seconds.

"Rachel?" A cough breaking up her words, "Eugene? What are you doing here?"

"I know. I'm sorry. You only want Rachel. I'll leave," he shook his head in what I could only guess was out of frustration before walking out of the room.

I looked at Eugene and back to Emily as she made no move for him stay.

I slightly jogged over to her bedside, "How do you feel??? We didn't think you were going to wake up! Ever."

"My head hurts," she lifted her and up to rub her head, slowly.

"Don't do that again! You had me worried sick... Emily." I sighed.

She grabbed my hand, "I heard you. It's my fault and I shouldn't have left the office because I was being petty..."

Looking down at our hands, I started to yawn.

"Did you seriously just sit with me in the stupidly uncomfortable chair all day?"

I looked at her, sadness still remaining in my eyes, "I don't think you understand. We all thought you were a goner and I would have stayed her all night but as you just saw Eugene was not going to let me, Em."

She shrugged, "Well. I think after this close to death experience.... Its time for me to move on to bigger and better things."

"What are you talking about?"

"I left the office today for a job offer. I wasn't going to take it and I feel like the only way we can be the bestest of friends is for me to get my ass out of you office with they try guys..."

Everything started to click. All the pieces of the puzzle was put together. She left for a job interview. That's why she only left a note for me.

I yawned again, "I think that is for the best and I'm not going to lie and tell you that the office will miss you. I love you but you were kinda a jerk."

"I know and I love that you love me anyway."

We both laugh slightly as I let of of her and.

"Now, go home! And rest...." she smirked, "Have fun with Eugene for me."

I started to stand up, "You know... Eugene and I don't live together, right?"

She nodded, "Mhhh. Practically do already."

"I think you messed up your head pretty bad. Rest up and come back healthy so you can start your new job the right way."

"For sure, Rach."

Smiling at each other, I shut the door. I made sure the nurse knew she was awake before walking out to the waiting room.

The guys all stood up as soon as I walked in.

"I think she's going to be okay..." I paused, "She's talking a lot and seems like herself."

They all sighed with relief.

"She also kicked me out meaning she kicked us all out. It's dark outside. We all need to get home."

Exchanging glances with Eugene, he walked over and we made our way out to the car together since we carpooled here (or you could say he pulled me here against my will.)

We got in the car and shut the doors. He started the car and sat in silence for a second before looking at each other.

"Not to freak you out, but she even said we should move in together."

He furrowed his brow, "Why would that freak me out?"

"Okay, My. I'm Afraid Of Commitment."

"I'm pretty sure that's not a name...." he scoffed before driving off towards his house.

"Come on... Are you serious?"

His eyes light up when he looked at me and then back to the road, "Ohhhh. Plot twist. You the one that afraid of all of this!?" he put his hand on his chest, as if to point himself out.

I rolled my eyes in denial. At least, I don't think thats true... 

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now