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I know that not everyone you work with will be your "Buddy.." Or whatever you want to call them. The thing that bothers me so much about Emily is I have no idea why exactly I don't like her company. I don't know if its just something like the ways she walks around the office with her chin up like she's been here for years. 

Like, Calm down girl. You haven't come close to proving yourself here..

She always sits across from me. To me, every time I look up she's on her phone. So... I mean. What can she be doing that productive to our new company..

I'm normally not one to sulk over something but not knowing why has me thinking about it constantly.


Keith walked up to my desk, "Hey. Do you think you could order everything off the menu of taco bell for me?"

"Sure?? This is for a video, right?"

"Oh yeah." He looked at Emily. "Set up the set and cameras for me please."

She just nodded and stayed seated. Keith and I both watched her.

Keith left the room to talk to the rest of the guys about the channel. Earlier today they decided that we were all going to a bar to celebrate hitting one million subscribers. I'm not complaining. I could use a drink.

I called into taco bell instead of ordering there so they could get a head start. Everything seemed to be going smooth on my part.

The only thing I had to do now was pick up the food in a half-an-hour so I got out my phone and started scrolling. I got sucked into my phone and didn't pay attention to my surroundings until I heard a scoff.

"You shouldn't be on your phone."

"Girl, You have zero room to talk."

"Fine." She grabbed her phone and started to call someone.

I blocked her out and continued to scroll despite her comment. 

"Hey.... No baby. I'm working..... Jake. Stop..... .... .. She doesn't know.."

I could only hear her side of the phone call but as soon as I heard her call him Jake. J A K E. My heart felt like it halted for a second.

My eyes locked onto her like lasers.

If it's the Jake I know, That would explain everything I don't like about her. At the end of the day we're coworkers and we aren't here to be friends. We have a job to do.

Her conversation went one for long enough, I wanted to leave the room. Instead I decided to stay to ask her about it after she was done. For some reason,  I felt like she wasn't going to give me a very good answer.

To sum the parts of Emily I have figured out in the short time she has been at the office, all I would have to say is one word. Con Artist. Snake in the Grass. All around negative vibes is what she gives off.

"Oh.. Where you listening to that?" she asked, as if I was in the wrong.

"It would be kinda hard not to hear it. We're in the same room if you hadn't noticed."

I know I should give her a chance and be nice, but you get what you deserve and she hasn't really been all rainbows and smiles to me.

She sighed, "I know.. Jake told me. I hope it doesn't ruin anything between us."

"Ruin what now?"

"Our friendship."

Is she serious??

"Uhhh... I don't think-"

"Well, Jake isn't mad that you work with me. I know you guys had a messy break up. And you definitely don't have to worry about me. Things happen and I don't want to hold anything  against you for something that happened almost a year ago."

So many questions ran through my mind.

Did Jake follow me to LA??

He's from indiana..

How does he know Emily and why are they dating now?

What are the odd that he would date my co-worker in LA?


I decided to hold my breath and keep my mouth shut to avoid whatever snarky comment that could come out of my mouth or what ever could explode from hers.

"I have food to get. and work to do. and so do you."

We both stood up at the same time. She smiled and looked me in the eyes as she opened the door. She held her hand out for a fist bump, but I did my  best to act like I didn't see it.

I went my own way, not looking in front of me and she went the opposite direction. Thank God...

"Whoa..." Eugene grabbed my arms to stop me from running into him.


"Who's Jake?" he asked without hesitation.

I was taken back a little, "You were listening??"

He shrugged.

I sighed, "Jake is my ex-boyfriend..."

"Oh." It look like jealousy ran through his eyes.

"What?? I had a life before LA.." I shimmied away from his grip.

We looked into each other's eyes like were thinking about anything and everything. I'm not telepathic.... Quickly wanting to get away. I moved over as his body was the thing blocking me but as I was about to walk away he just moved with me.

"Can you move? I have a job to do?"

"You seem stressed."

"Okay. Thanks detective."

"Seriously Rachel."

"I'm perfectly fine," I said.

"Don't let her get to you. She's a snake."

Great minds think alike, I guess...


Cheer up, Buttercup. :)


Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now