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Saturday Morning

Sunlight started to seep through the blinds, hitting my eyes. I grunted and covered my eyes slightly with the back of my hand.

"Good morning to you, too," Eugene said in a groggy, morning voice.

My head along with my hand was resting on his chest as he laid on his back. Brown hair flowed off onto the pillow beside since I didn't pull it back last night in my scared state. The warmth of his body made me want to go back to sleep, but instead, I started to pull away from Eugene because of the sudden cuddly-ness. 

Instead of letting me move away, Eugene used the arm he already had wrapped around me to pull me back and run his hand through my hair a few times.

"It's Saturday morning, right?" I asked as I closed my eyes. The repetitive motion of his hand through my hair made my eyes get heavy again. 

Eugene mumbled, "Mhhhh. Would you like some Saturday breakfast?"

I nodded my head against his chest. He started to sit up and I reluctantly moved away. How could Eugene and I go from friends to cuddle buddies so fast? I guess a nightmare will do that to you. 

"I'll post mate it here then, because I'm sure you do not want to try my cooking," he stated as he grabbed his phone to order.

Neither of us got out of bed. I just gave him space to send in the order.

"I'll pay for it," I said grabbing my phone to get money from the stash in the case.

He grabbed my phone right out of my hand and sat it back on the nightstand, "No, you won't."

"Okay, Mr. Snippy."

He ignored my comment, "Okay. Order is done," he looked down at me laying on the bed, "Let's go back to sleep..." He started to lay back down.

As he put his arm around me I sat up slightly, "Wait.. What time is it?"

"Eight in the morning... Why?"

"I never sleep in." I relaxed slightly as he tried to pull me in closer. 

He smirked, "We do now."

My heart flutter a bit. This was nice for a change. I know Eugene and feelings do not typically go together, but I could get used to this. I also know that our relationship will never happen and this is most likely the extent of everything just because of the way he is. Trying not to get attached at this point sounds nearly impossible. 

Draping my hair over the pillow next to us, I rested back on the warm comfortable pillow that was Eugene. Breathing in his sent, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Ding Ding Ding

Getting on my feet, the cold floor was a shock. I was being sent by the one and only Eugene to answer the door and get the postmates since I was the most dressed.

I tipped the postmates guys before closing the door. Walking into the kitchen, I sat the bag of food on the table. I heard footsteps, so I looked over to see Eugene stand in the doorway of the kitchen. He was leaning against it as he look at me. It felt like he could look right into my soul. Not only was he standing in the doorway,  wearing nothing but grey sweats. Yeah. That's it, folks..

"You gonna eat or just stare?"

"How about I do both...?" he said before walking to the cabinets to get plate.

He handed me a plate when he walked back over and I gave him the food he ordered.

We ate and put the dishes in the sink.

Eventually he disappeared back to the bathroom to take a shower which left me in charge of the TV.

Eugene walked out when he was done, fully dressed and wet hair. I know. The clothing part is disappointing part, right?

"You're staring, Rach." He snached me out of me daze.

He walked over and was about to sit down, when I noticed him start to freak out a little bit.

"What wrong, E?"I ask, standing slightly.

He looked out the window and pointed to a car sitting out the driveway. A woman got out and it seemed like it was exactly what he didn't want see, "Quick! Hide behind the couch!"

"What ??? Why?"

"Because that's my mother and I don't really want to deal with all the settling down questions and awkward moments the three of us we'll have to go through if she knows you're here...."

I sighed and walked towards behind the couch, but Eugene basically throw me back there and made sure you couldn't see me. Behind the couch was an awful place that felt suffocating....

I heard the door open and foot steps enter. Talking was muffled and I couldn't make any of it out. Some of it didn't sound like English.

A thought crossed my mind... Am I going to be stuck behind this couch in a dusty crevice all day?



So, I've been going through and rewatching some of the new try guys videos. I realized that they have an Emily working for them.

I just wanted to pop on here and say that the Emily in this book is not the same one as in their videos. The Emily here is my character and she is this story's antagonist.. I don't mean for anything bad to happen to the try guys or their crew AT ALL. Love them all the most and I wish the best for them. This is just simply a work of fiction and a story I want to write/tell.

Hope that clears it up.


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