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Walking out of the bathroom, Eugene's shirt hung off of me in a slouchy kind of way making it really easy for me to be ready for bed. It was like the couch was calling my name. 

I was greeted with a beer by a very awake Eugene after I reached the couch. I took the beer from his hand, "Thanks." I sat down. Looking at the TV, "I didn't realize you were a football kind of guy.."

"I'm not actually. But it's friday and I figured you'd like it," he smiled and sat down beside me.

I took a sip of the dark beer before looking up at him, "You're cute... and kind. You've done so much to me in only 48 hours... Emotionally.  And here we are. I can't help but fear the future because I know I fall for guys like you."

"Like me?"

"You said it yourself. Never ready to settle down," I said, imitating him slightly.

He chuckled, "Yeah... Sorry about that."

"Don't apologize. I'd take the truth over lying to my face any day of the week," I said with a smirk. My heart suddenly felt heavy at a certain thought that popped in my head, "What if this is all we do? Connection and everything out the window? It all goes to waste. Everything we've done and worked up to...."

"Shhh. One step at a time babe," He hummed in a deep, calming voice.


"Yeah. One step at a time. Like I said, we will work it all out," he thought for a second while keeping his eyes locked on mine, "You aren't seriously in love with me or anything are you??" 

It felt like my palms instantly got a little sweatier, "Ummm, No. I don't think so. How could I be?? I mean... I've only know you for a few months now and we haven't even kissed. Well. We almost did but that's just whatever... We're close but I wouldn't call our current connection love. Right? Please tell me you're not in love with me? I thought it was not in your nature to love a girl...."

"You doing the whole anxiety ranting thing again, Rach."

"I know. I'm sorry.. You didn't answer my question. Are you in love with me?"

"I don't think so. You're right. I've never loved a girl long term. My connection with you? I've never felt like this before."

Butterflies floated around in my stomach and it felt like they were about to escape right out of my throat.

Our conversation died down as we moved our focus back on finishing the each bottle of beer in hand and watching football. I limited myself to one beer as eugene had two. The game was nearing to an end, but I started to nod off to sleep anyway. Eugene's close proximity made my head fall onto his shoulder. I felt his head turn to look at me. My eyes felt glued shut and heavy.

He brought a hand up to support me as he stood up and laid me down gently on the couch. Reality slowed as I drifted off to sleep. 

Everything around me faded away with my consciousness as I was down for the count and off counting sheep. Warmth surrounded me as Eugene draped a blanket over my curled up body.

2 + 2 = 5 by Radiohead(inspiration) 

My eyes popped open. Everything around me was different. It was dark and it seemed like we were back in medieval times with the maroon lighting. Eugene's house was no longer the same. Everything had an erie vampire loft vibe to it. I stood up from the couch and walked over to a wall covered in spiked. I quickly started to back away when I noticed the spiked covered wall was also covered in blood.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now