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A/N: I've got a lot to talk to you about. PLS READ IT.


Thank you so much for your constant support, even when I take a break. I really am giving my 100% effort into making this book good!!


We are nearing the end... I know. It's okay. DEEP BREATH. Don't freak out on me yet(I'm not cocky, I just know that if you have made it this far in the book, you must like it...) My outline estimates it to end around chapter forty. With the way I write, the book could go a few over forty and I love y'all enough to write some bonus chapters (maybe a part two of this book...) *shoulder shrug*

I wasn't even planning on saying anything about it because I feel like it slightly ruins the magic of it all. I was simply just going to write the book... Then I thought about all of it just ending suddenly for you guys without me saying something...

(I can't leave without saying goodbye. I'm literally sitting at my desk right now like, "AWE, now I'm sad. I'll just write a million parts...." The thought of not talking to you or me possibly helping you through a hard time/day with my story ANYTIME physically hurts me. I'm serious.)

After it is completely all written out, I will start the updating process. I'll run though it a couple times and update the new and improve chapters. OHHHH, PLANS FOR THE FUTURE... so stick with me, okay?


My updates should return to normal, but the slump is still lingering. PLEASE ENCOURAGE ME! IT HELPS SOOOO MUCH. ILY.


It's American Football season(I do not agree with them kneeling during the anthem, but I enjoy watching it. I'm not going to let them get what they want and stop me from watching the NFL in attempt to "stop" something in their weak efforts... I'll jump off my soapbox now), almost time for the NBA too. YAY!!! Great, right? Just another thing to distract me from updating.

I'm a panthers fan. YAY! Keep Pounding. Do you like sports? If so, let's talk about it. :)


I write others things. Yes. I'm focusing on this story soooo updates are strictly limited to this(other than my recent short story called 343.)

So, don't be sad when this is over. I will miss you too. If you like my writing, go check out my other stories and my new ones.


I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year!

My plan is to write it all out and publish what ever I get done at the very end of the month. NOT CHAPTER BY CHAPTER.


There is going to be a bonus part. It won't be about Rachel and The Try Guys. Bummer. I know. BUT it will be about me. I know. Not as good as Rachel.... It's going to be a get to know the writer kinda chapter, with tag questions.

How's that sound? (It won't affect the upload speed or anything)

THE NOTE IS OVER. I PROMISE. Sorry about the long note. I haven't said anything to ya in a sec. It all built up. I guess.

To sum it up, I'm back and there's a lot of good stuff to come. Enjoy the new Chapter. :) ily.



Pulling and tugging at the strings to get the corset as tight as it could go, Eugene grunted at pretty much every move I made to fit it to him.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now