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Eugene's House After Day At Hospital

"That is not cooking. That's sorcery..." I said, stirring the spoon in whatever the mush of eggs and various other ingredients. I looked back at Eugene.

Eugene was standing in an army green crewneck sweatshirt, the sleeve halfway rolled up with his hand on his hip. "I tried to warn you about my cooking. That's why I ordered postmates last weekend..." he sighed.

Rolling my eyes slightly, "Then I'll fix it," I said. I turned away to stir the pot and finish cooking it.

He shrugged his shoulders and waited by the island for the food.

"I'm assuming you chose eggs because they were easy even though its nine o'clock...?" I asked. My back was facing away from him but I could feel his eyes on me.


I scraped the egg omelet thingy evenly onto two plates, added a fork to each and sat by Eugene. Both of us ate in silence. He finished before me. I looked over and he was scrolling on his phone.

"Did Emily tell you she was quitting?" he asked showing me a text saying New job. Thanks for the opportunities but I think I found the thing that's right for me and the office is better off without me. Best of luck. - E

I nodded and sat my fork town. I took both of our plates to the sink, "Yeah.. I would have told you... but I guess I just expected that she'd talk to you before today. Especially through a text."

"Guess not," he said, hissing slightly. He frowned and continued to look down on his phone.

I tiptoed over and gently grabbed his phone out of his hand.

"Hey... What are you doing?" Eugene asked, reaching for his phone but I jerked away.

"You have all the entertainment you need right here," I smirked.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at me.

"Not like that," I said, rolling my eyes. "I just think we should talk."

"Okay?" he squinted his eyes. He took a step closer to me, still trying to get his phone.

Wagging my hand at him, "No no no..." I ran away from him, lightfoot step sounds pattering through the hallway with me. With his phone in my hand, I continued to run through his house. I looked everywhere for a hiding spot. I could hear Eugene behind me even though he was simply walking.

I turned quickly and hid in a closet, all of the close brushing my back as I closed the door and hid my breath. Hoping he didn't hear or see me, I peaked out to see him walk the other way, trying to find me still.

I smirked. Victory! My sneaky plan worked... I walked out into his bedroom and hid his phone under the crevice of the night stand. I stood up quickly when I heard footsteps leading into the room. Started to run to a new hiding spot, Eugene stopped me by pushing me gently onto the bed, "Gotcha."

Rolling my eyes, "Pretty sure I can see that."

"Where is it?" Eugene put an arm over his hip and looked down at me.

I stayed seated with my hand in my lap and the other on his bed. I shrugged, "Where's what?"

He pointed a finger at me, "Stop that."

"Stop what?" I frowned a little.

"That! Exactly what game you continue to play... " I could tell he was getting a little frustrated.

"First of all. There is no game you speak of and second... You're cute when your frustrated..." I smirked.

Watching him for a second, it was like I could see the wheels turning in his pretty little noggin.

He slowly took a step closer like he was trying not to scare the animal. Then it was like a switch turned and he was laying on top of me.

Pushing the breath out of me, "What are you doing... ?"

He gave a conflicted stair, "I just really wanted to do that," He smirked.

I tried to push him off of me, but he was stronger and resisted.

"Shhh," Our faces getting closer, "I might just have to tickle it out of you."

My face dropped and I looked at him, "Okay... How old are you?"

He didn't reply he just viciously started to tickle my sides making me crack up laughing.

"Stop!" I begged, "I'm not ticklish!" I said laughing still but trying to catch my breath.

"The laughing says otherwise..." He said as he stopped tickling me.

I looked at him, "Why did you stop?"

He stop up and got off of me. Instantly got cold when his warmth went away. I shivered slightly as I sat up, watching him go straight to what I hid the phone.

Eugene held it up, mocking me slightly. "I saw you hid it."

I rolled my eyes. Yawning, "I think I'm going to go to sleep."

He through a shirt at me from his closet, "Here. For pajamas."

I smiled, "Still too cute.."

He grunted a little. I walked out of his room to the hall.

"Where are you going?" he yelled, still at his closet.

Peaking back in the room with his shirt in my hand, "To the couch."

"Just sleep in here tonight..?"

I nodded and quickly changed before climbing into bed.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now