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Saturday Evening

Reluctantly, I pulled away from Eugene, gasping for air slightly as I looked into his eyes.

"Your eyes are cool," Eugene said, comedically breaking the lust floating around the room like dust particles do near windows.

As I laughed, I rested my head on his forehead, both of us catching our breath.

"And I like your face," I said tearing away slightly to look at him but keep my arms wrapped around his waist.


"Please don't ask what this means, Rachel."

"I'm sorry. I'm a control freak," I said.

"I never thought that I would meet someone worse than me," he scoffed. His hands were resting on my ribs, making it feel like sparks were splashing all the way down my back. 

Rolling my eyes, "We're going to have to answer the question soon or later."

"And you in my shirt. Still."

I furrowed my brow in confusion, "I don't know wh-"

His hands flew to the hem of it, "It's very loose and you don't have pants on."

"Is that a threat...?" I said, squinting my eyes a little.

He shrugged, "If I was going to threaten you I would just throw you pack to the couch."

I slapped his chest and unfurrowed my brow in shock, "I am never going to let that go."

"You are never going to meet my mom then." He stepped away from me.

"Eugene, I will not hesitate to chase you around the house until you agree to let me see your mom."

"Well. I'm the athletic one in this relationship so bring it on Miss Rachel Fendley."

"Okay, Eugene Lee Yang," I reached out and tried to grab him, but he scurried away. I groaned and ran after him.

He was right. Eugene was the fast, athletic one...

It felt like forever. A million circles and a million breaths later, I finally caught him.

Throwing myself on him, we landed on his bed. He caught me slightly to lessen my impact. It was silent for a second as we looking into each others browns eyes, but eventually silence turned to laughter.

Both of us were laying on our sides, looking in each others eyes.

Eugene, once again, broke the silence, "So lunch?"

"Meaning go out or stay here?"


I groaned in response. Last time I was out, I got drunk and had to be taken out with help. 

"We are social butterflies Rachel. We fly," he said sitting up.

"It would be so funny if I pushed you off the bed right now. See how you fly..."

"I will take you down with me, ya monarch." He stood and faced me.

"Did you just insult me by calling me a type of butterfly?" I asked, tilting my head.

He walked to the bed stand to get his phone. Looking at me, "So... I think it would be a good idea to invite other people on our lunch trip."


He turned his phone screen towards me, "Jake just broke up with Rachel and now she's texting me."

I sighed. Thinking it through, I understand but If she touched Eugene after all of the relationship building thats happened over the weekend her neck will snap. Just sayin. I'm not a murderer. Just for Eugene, I guess.

I sighed, "Okay, but if she-"

He took a step closer and out a finger over my mouth, "Rachel. It Emily. She's harmless."

"She's going to be all over you," I said, backing away.

"You're the jealous type," Eugene said with amusement. 

"You do not have enough proof to make that kind of assumption, E."

"Oh," he sighed, "I just got all of the proof I need to make that assumption, Rach."

I rolled my eyes and walked away to get dressed. I could hear Eugene running behind me to catch up, "You're clothes are in the washer."

I frowned a bit, "When did you do that?"

"When my mother was over."

I sighed, "Oh. That makes sense. I was sort of occupied."

He looked confused.

"You made me sit behind a freaking sofa. Did you forget already?!"

"No, but you sure didn't."

I nodded, "And I never will. Takin' it to the grave."

"Don't start talking about marriage please. I just told you I'd try. Never said how far we would get."

"You brought it up," I said pointing.

He grabbed the hand pointing at him and moved it away from him, still holding it, "Be careful with that thing."

"Very funny, E," I hissed.

"Go get dressed... You look a little weird with an oversized shirt and no pants."

"So I should just take the shirt off then," I suggested. 

He raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't be opposed to that," he paused, "But I think if the plan is for this to work out long-term," he pointed between the two of us, "We should wait a little bit for that step."

"I agree," I said, releasing the hem of the shirt from my grasp. I walked a couple steps closer to him. Standing on my tip toes, I leaned forward and pecked his lips. We exchanged a few pecks for a second. Not like birds. Like new unofficial couples do... We pulled away a little to look into eachothers eyes, making both us smile for a second.

"I could get used to this..." he murmured due to our close proximity and recent actions.

"So marriage?" I asked sarcastically.

He shook his head, "Stop."

"I'm kidding," I walked off towards the washer before looking back at him, "I really want this to work out."

"I do too," he said seriously.

I smiled and walked away to go put on my clean cloths instead of wearing Eugene's clothes as pajamas to lunch with him and Emily.

When I was done, I walked out and met him at the door, "Let's go get lunch, boy."

"Let's go help our friend and get lunch, girl," he said, laughing slightly. 

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