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The bar was light up dimly with lights occasionally hanging from the ceiling, the atmosphere around everything looked like it was a slight tint of maroon. People were lined up at the par, some grouped together and chatting, while others sat and drank quietly in solace.

Looking out longingly towards the dance floor, I watched the people dance for a second, only making me want to dance more. Finally, I decided to give in. I rose from me seat, noticing the tipsy feeling that was starting to linger. The heels were starting to feel more and more uncomfortable as time passed.

The five of us all occasionally kept in touch with the vlog.

My body swayed back and forth to the sound and rhythm of the music buzzing off the walls in the bar, and I didn't plan to stop until the music did. This is until a hand landed on my shoulder and my thinking changed. I slowed down, trying to look at who the possible evildoer was.

The sudden pressure of a hand on my shoulder startled me. I turned my attention to it immediately as I turned around to see who was the culprit. Only to find a familiar face, I took a sigh of relief. It wasn't a total bar creep. I took a deep breath before talking, "Hey, Eugene," I said, hiding the fact he scared me again. I put a smile on my face despite what just happened.

He stuck his hand for me to take. "I noticed you were out here dancing on your own,"

I took a step back from his, raising one eyebrow at him, "Is this just the alcohol... or?"

Eugene sighed and shifted closer to me. His hand was pointed out towards mine, "No... Just one dance? Come one."

"Just one," I sighed, taking his hand. We started to sway and dance to the beat song. He was steady as we danced, like he hadn't been drinking. Time ticked away and eventually the song ended. Everyone left the floor. We took out seats at the bar, ordered and drink and gozeled it down before moving on to the next location.

It was the time to do the thing that makes "bar hoping" bar hoping... It was the time in the night where we move to a different bar. Afterall, the night can not last forever, and to continue the plan we had to keep on moving along.

And as expected, the guys started to complain louder throughout the night. Heels are evil and beauty is definitely pain. They found that out pretty fast. Keith and Zach were the first to give up. It took Ned a second, but he gave in after them by taking off his heels and chucking them in the trash. Them all giving up left only Eugene and I in the competition.

Giving up is a sure way to fail,so not now. And, I wasn't planning to lose, so not ever.

It took us a few rest stops for us both to make it to the next bar. The last rest we stopped on was on a fence outside of a coffee shop. He turned his head to me as he leaned on the fence. We looked at each other in silence like we were talking telepathically.

I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to talk, "I told you not to go overboard with those heels of death," I laughed.

"It's kind of weird, I know, but my entire life has been a competition between my sisters and I to show our mother who was best. I need to win so I can finally be the best sister," he cautioned. Visually, I could tell he was out of breath.

I laughed, tapping the little button on the camera to shut it off. There was a quiet pause as he looked down at his feet.

"Thinking about taking them off??" I asked with a smirk, looking back and forth between his heels and his eyes.

I could tell he didn't want to give up, but like many things, we all fall down, and typically we don't get to choose when. I pulled out the camera and filmed him taking his heels off as I did a victory dance from behind the camera making the film look a bit shaky for a second. "With this recent victory, I think I'm going to need to go get adoption papers to send to your mother. From the looks of it, I'm the best sister..."

His face was showing nothing but defeat, "I don't think you want to be adopted into my family, Rachel."

"Um, yes, I definitely do. I'm sure it isn't that bad." I tried to convince him, still keeping a joking tone in my voice as I consciously held back dark comments on my own childhood.

Transitioning from night out to in an office went smoother than expected. All of the guys left the office except for one, seeing as it was past the required work hours. But, Eugene stayed. My focus pretty much stayed isolated to my computer screen, not paying attention to what was going on around me. Basically, disregarding any possible danger that could possibly be going down near me.

The time came for a break. The editing that was flooding my thoughts calmed inside my mind as I looked away. I scraped my focus away from my screen, seeing someone walking. Almost in a trance, I watched them footstep by footstep until he got to the side of my desk. I tapped the space bar on my laptop to pause the sound emitting through my ear buds.

"Don't stay here too late," he went on," I know what it's like to pull an all nighter in an empty office."

I furrowed my brows, opening my mouth to talk, "I won't. It will be okay even if I do stay a little too long..."

"But- You shouldn't, so.... Promise?" He asked, holding up a finger at me.

I sighed, "I promise I won't be here later than midnight, Eugene," I murmured as I rolled my eyes.

He smirked, "I don't believe you... But, have a good night anyway," he paused, "You were a good part of the team tonight, Rachel."

The corners of my mouth turned up in a smile, "Thank you. You too." I tilted my head towards him in a confident sort of way.

Eugene grabbed a pencil from my desk and wrote his number down on a yellow post-it note, "if you need anything-"

"Okay, night," I smirked, putting one earbud back in.

Silence lasted between us for a bit, nothing was said. It was quiet but not awkward. The was a smile still on his face when he turned to walk out of the door.

The office got quieter and quieter as everyone started to make their way out of the office to continue their daily post work routines.

The clock on the wall continued emitting the same ticking from the side of my desk, never actually stopping. My mind started to drown out the sound.

It was about an hour later when I finally decided it was time to leave. Even though the video was not completely done, I had a promise to keep. I needed to be home on time to keep that promise. You have to sort out certain priorities and sometimes, your job can't be number one.

I made it all the way home, got ready for bed.

Before my head hit the pillow, I decided to continue my nightly routine by checking my phone. Incoming Eugene You home? Sent at 11:58 Rachel Yah, thanks. Good NIght! Sent at 12:02 Incoming Eugene Good Night. :) Sent at 12:03

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now