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(Sorry for all the authors notes.. I just love talking to you. Seriously. lol) 

Love ya the most. Furrrr real. hehe. Hope you're enjoying the story.. <3

Remember to smile. :) ORRRR make someone smile. :D

If you didn't notice or forgot, I have a (work in progress) PLAYLIST for this bood >>> https://open.spotify.com/user/thehappyhuman1/playlist/6d9z8OCvSKY5AejJvi2Dp8

Let me know what you think of the playlist pls :) don't be afraid. I don't bite. <3


The office continued to run as it should. Mainly, it ran fairly smooth with cool vibes floating around.. Sometimes it got hectic but it's a brand new system. What else could you expect...?

And so far, I've loved working with them. Yes. It's definitely different. But I like to think of it as a very good different.

I am very happy also to call the guys my best friends and, frankly, the only friends I've made in LA.

Walking into work today, I knew I had a full day of messy, but fun, work ahead of me.

The outfit I decided on was a pair of old shorts that were not to short and a plain white t-shirt(Not the band. Hehehe, get my joke?? I'm old...) I tied the front of the shirt with a fancy knot to make it look a little dressier and was on my way to work.

I got to work and jumped out of the car. Morning aren't my favorite and they never will. I always prevail. 

I walked inside and up the stairs to a room near the back. Turning into the room, the first thing I see is Eugene holding out a paintbrush for me, "Wow.. I just got here." I took the paint brush and look around to help me decide on which walk I wanted to paint.

After choosing the wall I was going to start painting, I grabbed a can of paint and started to paint without really looking at Eugene.

"Are you okay?" Eugene asked as he started to paint across from me.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. It just seems like there is something off about you today."

"Nope. I'm good. No one pissed in my fruit loops this morning."


We both painted and got to where we were almost meeting each other in the middle. The closer we got the more we decided it would be okay to slow down with caution of the other persons paint brush.

"Hey!! You did that on purpose..." I said slightly wiping the paint from my arm.

"You have no prof."

"Right..... So pay back sounds about perfect," I said and I got more paint on my brush to fling at him. Somehow in this moment, I knew we would definitely not be able to leave without paint everywhere, even in our cars...

"Wow. I think that's childish Rachel.."

"Well, I'm looking at the most childish person in the room who started it," I said.

He turned around and looked around the room as is he was looking for someone else to be the biggest child. I snickered slightly at his actions.

"I'm still wondering why the chose to put the two of us in charge of painting this room..."

"What are you talking about? This was my idea and I chose  you to paint with me, Rachel."

"Oh. I thought Keith decided to this to us since he saw us passed out on the couch.."

"Nope. Just wanted to spend time with you, I guess."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why???"

"Ummmm," He turned and started to paint again as he avoided the question at hand.

Many hours and cans of paint later

"Hey, Wanna go get lunch?" Eugene asked sitting down the paint roller.

"Yeah, What do you guys want?" I pulled out my phone with my clean, paint free hand, to take notes.

"No... I mean together. As a break.. The guys can get Emily to help them for today since were.... occupied. Together."

I laughed a little, "Okay. I'm going to wash my hands," I stuck up my hands.

Eugene walked out behind me. As we walked down the hall, I turned around quickly and put a hand print on his rib area, "Ha! Gotcha."

"Ugh. What was that for??"

"Following me."

I laughed as I closed the bathroom door.

I washed my hands. 

We walked to the car.

And drove in blissful silence to FOOD.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now