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I gave myself a pat on the back this morning. You wanna know why? It only took one alarm for me to get my butt out of bed. That in itself is a huge accomplishment. I even got ready in a timely manner. I'm not saying I am lazy. I'm just naturally a tired person who doesn't want to get out of bed, for any reason... at any hour in the morning.

As I was about to walk out of the door, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and saw I had an unread email, but it would have to wait until I had finished my commute.

Turning the key in the ignition of the car, it roared to life before I flipped the dial for the AC. The drive to work was normal. Well, as normal as weird and constantly busy city can get can get.

Incoming Email
From: Ned
I just wanted to pop in and email you to say thank you. You didn't have to edit our video last night, but you did and it is greatly appreciated. The guys and I both agree that you were a very critical part of our team last night, and I thank you for your hard work and dedication. Any other time you're available, we'd love your help, if you'd like to help that is.

Ned Fulmer

To: Ned
Thanks for acknowledging my work! I gave my all, and enjoyed working with you and the guys to say the least. P.S. Eugene actually has feelings and a soul. He pretty much let me win, I think...


Rachel Fendley

I stashed my phone away in the empty passenger seat beside me. Starting to navigate to work through the traffic, the business of the road had a buzz to it. It was non-stop, always remaining the same type of organized chaos. Every car has a mission to get somewhere, like a bee colony.

Five minutes later, I was at buzzfeed. THE buzzfeed office, don't fangirl Rachel... It's your job.

The very first thing I noticed about the interior was how identical it looked to anytime I'd seen it on my screen in the past. Yes, I know it would be hard to change it just for the cameras but still shocks me...

My vision veered over to my desk, set up the way I had before, remaining perfectly untouched. My feet pulled me to it. I sat down in my rolly office chair and opened my laptop screen on my desk.

In my peripheral vision, Ned's head popped up from his computer screen, "Have you read any of the comments on the video? We just uploaded it and people are loving you, Rachel."

A light hearted smile spread across my face to my fair ears as I shook my head slightly back and forth. "I have not... But I will do that right now..." I spoke softly. Mornings are not exactly my friend, more like a neighbor sort of relationship. I deal with morning because they are necessary for I want to do even though I don't want to speak with them all the time.

I log in and found their most recent video. The title was 'The Try Guys Wear Heels for a Night WITH A SPECIAL QUEST"

The video continuously played on my screen as I proceeded to take in every part of it, occasionally taking notes on my editing and what I could do better next time. Soon, the video ended making it time to scroll dance and take in what the people had commented about.

As I read comment after comment, the feeling of being watched continued to grow stronger. I wasn't able to ignore the feeling any longer. I looked up to see who it was. Ned. It was Ned Fulmer, "So???"

My expression changed to a frown, confusion lingering, "What do you mean?"

"It's pretty cool, right? Makes you wanna keep going," Ned explained.

A smile formed on my face, realizing the truth behind Ned's feelings. I nodded towards him before I watched the four of them stand up stand up.

Zach look over to me. "I hear you're pretty good with a camera, Rach. I think you should come help us?"

"I'd love too," I replied as I stood up, "but only because Zach's too cute face," I joked with them.

The Keith wined at me, but still joked, "She's lying. I'm obviously the cuter one."

We all let out a snicker as we walked down the hall to the same room where we started to film the video about wearing heels.

Wake up, Rachel... Snap out of it.

It was nearing the middle of the shoot. I was mostly doing stuff behind the camera. Occasionally, I'd pop in frame saying something pertinent.

All of us were in much need of a break, so we decided to take a break to go pick up lunch together.Sitting down at a table outside of the restaurant, we started to eat out food together in the fresh Los Angeles weather.

"I could get used to helping you guys all the time," I scoffed before I took a bite of my sandwich.

From the looks of it, the try guys were all telepathic. It definitely had an unreal feeling. I shifted uncomfortably. It quite literally looked like they were all on the same wavelength, talking with only their eyes to each other.

"Is there something I should know about or...?" I raised my voice with a little worry.

Ned sighed, "We were actually thinking about-" he looked around like he needed approval from the rest of the guys before continuing, "Well, We're leaving buzzfeed so can have and run our own channel. I guess, what I'm asking is, would you be interested in helping us out and coming with us?"

I was shocked. They have been with buzzfeed for too long and buzzfeed was why they were all here today.. I sighed as I thought about it. "Give me time to think...?"

They all generally nodded, continuing on the same brainy connection.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Eugene glance over at me multiple times like he was trying not to let anyone know he was looking my way. I tried to shake those observation off as I tried to act calm. What a big decision to hit me with...

All of us got done with lunch and took care of our plates. We walked all the way back to the office, and inside to the desk room together.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now