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Eugene's hand reached for the door knob. We were going to met Emily at the office and all carpool to lunch, but as soon as his hand reached the knob the door flew open. In shock, he backed out of the path way of the door. I stood slightly behind him, ready to see whatever was behind this sudden action. Standing in the doorway was one distraught, Emily.

"Emily? I thought we were going to meet you at the office?" Eugene ask, pushing us both out of her way.

She nodded, "Change of plans. I'm sorry. Should have knocked," she said, wiping the tears left over on her face. Emily walked in the room without being invited in. She just let her self in like it was nothing.

I looked at her over Eugene's shoulder, my hands resting on his back, "Why the sudden change of plans?"

Snapping towards me, she hissed, "Look at me, Rachel, Should I go at like this?" She said waving her hand up and down, making her curled, perfect blonde hair bounce a little. 

"Look normal to me," I mumbled.

Eugene gently pushed me slightly, trying to tell me to shut up. Luckily, it didn't seem like Emily heard me or she didn't pay any mind to what I just said anyway.

He walked over to Emily and put a hand on her shoulder, making my face scrunch up a tad. "Well. We are your friends and we're glad to help you."

Emily smirked and placed her hand over his, "I knew you would be, Eugene."

My eyes snapped up to her. Did she just-

I told you. She's already crossed the line in my book. Eugene was the only thing keeping me from pushing her down the stairs the first chance I get. I should probably tell Eugene some of the downsides of dating me. I don't like the word clingy. I like loyal or protective. What's mine is mine and Emily is going to have to get an understand on that as quick as she can, for her sake.

We all walked toward the kitchen.

"So, I'm sure you do not want me to cook for you.. Rachel, you mind?" He said as he got ingredients out of the cabinet.

I walked over to him, "I know. I'll cook. But you're going to help."

I heard bottles clinking behind us. Looking back, Emily was getting into Eugene's alcohol stash, not to mention that it was a pretty impressive collection. Let's be honest, Eugene will love alcohol more than he will ever be able to love me... And I'm not going to lie, I'll be happy to be his second place as long I'm his favorite living thing. Good plan?? Sounds like it to me.

"Hey! Emily?? Why would you just give yourself permission to go through whatever?" I asked, raising my voice slightly.

"I'm Emily..." she put her hand on her hips.

I scoffed, "I'm not sure if you have figured it out but this isn't your house."

"It's not yours either Rachel. Maybe you should leave. I want to be alo-"

Eugene walked over to her, "We are here to help you. I never had to let you invite yourself into my house. You can go out the same way our plans changed. Fast."

She smirked and moved to put her hands on him but he moved away, "I'm taken."

Not going to lie, my heart melted a little. In a good way that is.

Her face showed nothing but shock, "Who-" It was like a light bulb flipped in her head. Emily snapped her head back towards me, "You! Everything that has happened tonight is your fault!"

I furrowed my brow, "How in the hell did you come to that conclusion, Emily?"

"The entire reason Jake left me is because he is still in love with you and now I find out you don't even love him back, so it was all for nothing. Eugene, Good luck with her," she grabbed a bottle of wine for the track back and walked out as fast as she could.

Eugene turned to me. We both stood and stared at each other in shock for what felt like a million years. She just walked out and took a bottle of wine with her. Not even so much as turning to one of us. Snapping so fast had to be a sign of a mental health issue and the thought made me worried about her. I'd be lying is I said it didn't make me worry.  I'd also be stupid and a liar, if I said that I didn't want to be friends with this chick. Maybe in different circumstances. 

Yes, She had one good day where the two of us got along and maybe if no one else was in the picture, we were the only people on earth, Emily and I might get along. With other people, it makes her bad. Mean. Unbearable. Stressful. But one thing I will never understand about her is how you could snap so fast that you need to leave like that..... The audacity. I'd also like my wine back, Emily. (I'll have to email her that last part since I doubt she'll be at the office much longer....)

After she closed the door behind her, "Don't worry. I'm not going to even look at Jake. I am focused on us."

"I wasn't worried about that. I just see why you are so snappy with her now."

"You're just now seeing that?" I asked, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow. Maybe I have affect him and the way he thinks, just when I thought he couldn't get any better.

He nodded before walking over to me. His arms were out, drawing me into them for a warm and much needed hug.


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