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Tubes, wire and IV lines were tangled in a mess. Somehow, all of them were still doing their purpose. Keeping her alive. No matter the chaos of the wires their job was to try to stop the chaos happening in her body.

Solemnly, I walked over to Emily. I stood and looked down at her, almost frozen for a few seconds before looked behind me for a chair. I sighed and pulled up a seat. No matter how uncomfortable this chair is, I'm going to sit here with her all day. Or it won't be her cold dead hands being pried out of this room. It will be me.

I looked at her, examining everything about her. She had two IVs, a thing in her nose helping her breath, and band-aid after wrapping basically covering her body other than her face. She had a calm expression, like she was trying to give off peace into the world.

Thinking about what I should do, I reached out and did the only thing my very flustered brain could think of. I grabbed her hand. It was warm and receiving. She had tiny little hands. My hand surrounded hers.

No one came in the room. I never let go of her hand. I never even thought twice about standing and giving up hope. I just sat. Because in my head, Emily is going to be okay and she is going to wake up.

Nothing haunts us more than the things we don't say. In that moment all I could think about was what I should have said or done. I should have left or called her trying to find where she went today. Maybe this wouldn't even be happening if I did. You're probably thinking, "You can't blame yourself." Too late, my friends.

And on Saturday with Eugene, I should have been her side, because more than likely, a relationship will breakup. Friends will never leave you when you need support. She needed help. Emily ended up having no one and I just stood and watched her turn into a lone wolf when I should have stood with her, not against her.

The constant beeping of the monitor continued to play as time pass. Yes. Consistent was good. Why? Because that meant she was alive and kicking.

Many irrational thoughts ran through my head. I tried to kick them out of my brain, since it was just going to hurt worse if she didn't get to leave with us. I knew that at some point someone was going to walk in and open the curtain, only to drag me from the room if I'm willing or not.

I sighed, looking up at her, "Emily, I am so sorry." Our hand remained together and her eyes remained closed. If she's hearing this, we may never know.

"I never gave you a chance," I paused, "Ever since you walked in the door, I never even gave you chance to prove yourself and I will forever blame myself that has happened since then." A tear slipped down my cheek.

I sniffled, "And I don't want you to think for one second that you were anything but good. Nothing bad ever came of you. It was all because of me and my trust issues ruining everything."

She remain motionless.

"I don't want you to worry. I want you to rest. Parker will be okay. I cannot help but feel like I put you here," I pointed at the bed with my free hand, "I'll be happy to take care of your doggo." I smiled through the recent tears that made their way down my cheeks.

Trying to gather myself with a deep breath, "I am so sorry." Full sobbing sounds started to come out at this point. "Please wake up..." I said, trying to catch my breath between sobs and tears. My vision was getting blurry and black around the edges.

Eventually, all the energy in me went away and I just stopped crying. Just like that. I stopped and went cold.

The heart monitor went on.

My hand feel back to my side.

The clocked continued to click on the wall.

It felt like time stopped. All things stopped. But looking outside told me time definitely still ongoing.

The sun had gone down, making the room dim.

I lost track of everything. Emily was my focus. She was everything.

How much time passed by? It was what looked to be hours and in the moment I had no idea.

Snapping me out of my brain warp, the door bursted up. I expected a nurse to come in to kick me out, but the person who came in was the exact one I needed.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now