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bzzzz. bzzzz. buzzzz.

My phone screamed at me on my desk. How rude. I woke up out of my daze to lift my head up off my hands. It was like who ever was calling me was trying to say, "Earth  to Rachel. Get off the sleepy train."

I need coffee. But first I gotta answer this call. Surprisingly, it was definitely not who I expected it to be. I looked down at the screen on my iPhone to see it was Jake.

Not Jake from state farm. Like Jake AKA my ex fiancee. Yeah. I know. That puts a little weight on you chest doesn't it.

It was like, as soon as I saw that name, it felt like it  could send me spiraling into the same abyss I just got out of.

Immediately after I snapped out of my day dream, I pressed decline and closed out the call to look at the clock. 12:24. One of my many late nights at the office. The only light remaining in the room was the light coming from my computer screen.

Looking around the room, I was the only on left here. This was not  rare for me. When I work I get in my own zone and just can't stop until I am perfectly done with all of the work but sometime  that is impossible.

I looked over to the door that lets you exit the office to see that it was closed but light was peering in from the space between it and the floor. Someone either left the light on or stuck around.

Standing up, I walked over and opened the door. The light was on to the kitchen, I walked  towards it expecting to see Emily. Only to see Eugene standing there with two cups of coffee, "It's about time you came out of that bubble."

I rolled my eyes before taking the coffee, "It's midnight but oh well," I said, tapping my glass to his, "Cheers," I drake in some of the strong coffee.

"I know your favorite coffee is an iced almond milk latte but we don't exactly have that fancy stuff around here," he explained with a smirk.

"Yet. We don't have it yet. Never say never." I drank more of the coffee, almost burning my mouth.

"Okay, Bieber."

We both walked to the table and sat down with our coffees.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked.

"I was editing our first video."

"Oh cool! How is it?"

"Good. So far. I'm still nervous though."

We drank our coffee together and talked about the future of the channel. Eventually I got tired of holding an empty mug, so I stood up, "I can take yours to the sink."

"I actually want more coffee."

"You're crazy."

"That's your opinion." He walked to the coffee machine and poured more coffee.

"My opinion has strong evidence to back it," I paused and let the room fill with silence for a minute, "Educated opinion."

Eugene looked at me like he was thinking, "she's kidding, right....?" 

No, Eugene.. I'm completely serious. You hired me. You're welcome.

"We should go home," I told him as he leaned against the counter.

"We..? As in together?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes as I realized what I said, "Not what I meant." I looked at the clock. "It's one am."

"So what i just heard was, 'It's one AM.. Why even go home at this point...?"

  I washed out my mug in the sink as I contemplated my next reply.

"Don't think to hard. Your little head might catch on fire.."

"Are you calling me stupid..?"

"No! I just don't know why you care if I stay all night or not." He sat down and the round dinning table and started to drink more of the freshly poured coffee.

"Well maybe I don't exactly know why but I don't necessarily want to go home either," I stated before looking for his reaction.

Suddenly, it's like a light came on in his head as he stood up straight, "One good thing that Ned left was a lot of alcohol." He walked over to get it.

I laughed and sat down at the table, "Now that is the kind of thinking I like to hear.."

Eugene walked back out to me with bottles of whiskey, beer, and types of wine, "He only had one bottle of red wine. The rest is white," he said sitting them down.

"Well, I didn't say I wanted to get black out drunk."

"And I didn't say you had to."

"Such a gentleman.... I'll take a beer."

I sat and drank thinking about almost every single thing going on in my life as I drank farther down the rabbit hole with Eugene.

Two hours and too many drinks later, Eugene and I were sitting on the couch. He was showing me his favorite anime.

"I know it's weird but its a culture thing," he explained.

"I just don't think anime is the kind of show for me.."

"What is then?"

"Uhhhh, Normal TV shows."

"The Vampire Diaries is not a normal tv show," he said with normal Eugene sass.

I snicked a little at the reality of the statement before leaning my body over onto his. I closed my eyes as he wrapped an arm around my slim shoulders.

"Thanks for caring about me being here alone, Rachel."

I looked up at him in a little bit of a drunk, not thinking straight kind of way. He looked at me in the same way, making our face come a little bit to close. I remember thinking how safe I felt and how I could stay here forever, even sober.

Taking a much need breath, I looked pulled my face away before the desire to kiss him actually took effect.

I cleared my throat and stood up, "Anyway... More wine?" I asked holding out my glass.


Hello, my lovely readers!!! What do you think so far?

Btw.. I'm going to go through and edit everything at the very end of this book. You should be happy to hear that my focus in writing is this book entirely. :)


Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now