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Currently, I am being distracted by The Vampire Diaries and homework.... *slaps hand* "Snap out of it and write, Bailey!" (That was me yelling at myself. Or you could picture Rachel yelling at me to writeif you'd like. lol) ...... 

Trying to update as much and as soon as possible for y'all



End of the day. Friday. @ 3 PM

Eugene ran over to my side of the car as he opened the Umbrella. The one day it rains, we're not stuck in an office... Both of us walked under the navy blue umbrella but I could tell he was peeking out of it so it would cover me. He led us up to his door. I held the umbrella as he used his key to unlock the golden door knob. 

We walked inside. I shut the door, drowning out the sound of the rain pouring down from the sky outside.

I looked over at Eugene as he closed the canopy, "You live in LA. Why do you have an umbrella in your car?"

"Why don't you?" he asked back with a hint of sarcasm.

"I just moved here a few month as go, basically. And I didn't move here with the expectation to need to be prepared for rain."

I took off my jean jacket and hung it up on the coat rack attached to the wall beside the door. We walked toward the living room. I glanced at the clock on the wall. 3:00 PM. I spent all night at Emily's and now I was at Eugene's place, my internal clock was all messed up.   

As soon as I crossed into the living room, Eugene's dogs attacked me with their furry cuteness. I gasped at they jumped on me for attention. I reached down and pet them for a minute before walking over to the couch.

Moments passed and silence continued through the room before Eugene stood up, I'm to sober for this.."

"It 3:30 PM..."

"You've known me for how long now...? When has that ever stopped me?" He questioned before walking towards the kitchen. 

I stood up from the fluffy comfort of the couch and followed him.

"Well. Can we at least compromise for coffee instead?" I asked, stopping at the counter and resting on it. He was standing in front of me, facing away from me.

Turning to look at me, he sat down a bottle of tequila and shrugged his slightly slender shoulders. "I guess we can compromise," he paused, "But only if we can have alcohol later..." He pointed at me as he waited for an answer

"I don't have a way home though."

"I didn't know the plan was for you to go home at the end of today anyway... It's basically four PM already.."

I remained silent to think for a second, "Okay, but I call the couch."

"We'll worry about that later." He turned away to make coffee.

"Oh really?" I questioned

He nodded and eventually turned around with a mug in his hand. He held it out for me to take. As I grabbed it, I noticed it was try guys merch. I smirked at him using his own stuff as it was a bit braggy. I carefully grabbed the mug from his grasp without burning myself and I walked away to sit down on the couch once again.

I crossed my light jean washed covered legs as I settled into the couch, coffee in hand. Eugene sat beside me. He sat his coffee on the table in front of us as he grabbed the television remote. Turning on the TV, he settled into a channel that pleased him. We watched and simultaneously drank his coffee.

After a small period of time spent watching TV, Eugene rose from the couch. He looked back at me, "Feel free to stay sober for as long as you want, but I think it's time for alcohol.. For me personally anyway."

I stood up and met his eyes with mine. "I'm good with coffee," I sighed, "I hate to ask.. But where's the bathroom?"

He pointed down a hall towards a room with the door closed, "If you have to poop you should have just said something." He walked off towards the kitchen.

"Well, I would just say that but I don't have to poop."

I heard him grumble in disbelief about my reply.

"I'm serious. If I had to go.... go I would reply and tell you like a freaking lady," I yelled out from the hall. I heard his laugh echo out before I closed the bathroom door.

I did my business and moved on out of the bathroom.

Noticing Eugene was missing from the couch, I walked towards the kitchen and I was about to turn the corner when I got caught off guard by Eugene. Our bodies clashed into each other making the mixture of coffee and his alcohol of choice get plaster all over the front of my shirt. 

I make a little grimace face at the sudden warm coffee on me and the mug sound clattering on the ground. Quickly regaining mental awareness, I looked at Eugene. He looked about as shocked as I felt.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were still in the bathroom!" he was quick to apologize. 

"I told you I didn't have to freaking poop, Eugene!" I said laughing slightly.

"Why are you laughing? I just spilled coffee on you...." He had a puzzled look on his face.

"I am genuinely a positive person. It's kinda funny... And I'm definitely not worried about the shirt if that's what your thinking. I have to many anyway..."

"I could definitely use some positivity.." He handed me a towel.

I started to wipe to coffee and alcohol mixture off of me. "Well... You have me."

He walked away to grab a shirt of his for me. Showing me where the shower was, he handed me the shirt, sweats, and towels.

"Take your time. We have all weekend."

I got in the shower and started to think about everything.

We started our own company. No. I haven't invested money, but I have made it perfectly clear that I am alway here to have their back.

Moving to LA, yeah it has its ups and downs, was definitely the best decision I have ever made. I have made so many unforgettable friends that will affect the person I am for a lifetime.

I mean, Eugene just handed me his clothes without thinking twice... Even after all of the recent drama, he doesn't hesitate to always be on my team. So, I will do the same thing in return.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. Breathing in the fresh steamed air, water dropped rolled off my body like it was the built up stress. I could feel myself relax as I was able to think everything out in the shower. Showers are such a blessing like that... Am I right....?

Now.... Onto what feels like a hell of a weekend...

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now