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Two hours.

I was stuck, hiding behind that couch for two freaking hours.

I cannot tell you how awful the air quality had to be back there.

"How many times do I have to say it, Rachel? I'm sorry!" Eugene pleaded. 

"Ummm," I said as I thought, making my tone sarcastic, "Maybe about a thousand times. Then that might help my decision..."

"Come on, You have to-"

"No, Eugene. Why would you have to hid me from her?" I interrupted.

"You don't know my mom and let me tell you, you don't want to. At least not yet.. I don't think you want to be bombarded with questions like... When are you getting married or Are we expecting a grandchild??"

"See, even she wants you to settle down. But making me jump behind a couch is crossing a line.."

"I really am so sorry. I'm telling you, though. It was for the best.."

"No.... You're not really sorry or you wouldn't have thrown me back there in the first place," I snapped.

"Don't let this ruin our weekend, Rach," he said.

"Don't Rach... me. Our weekend, Eugene?"

He shook his head up and down, yes.

I blinked and tried to change to subject so he could, hopefully, focus on work, "It's Saturday. We have to upload a video."

He held up his phone and showed notifications, "Ned already did it. We don't have to go to the office until monday and you don't have your car."

My tactic didn't work. Any other day, all he would talk about is work. 

"I'll walk home then."

"But my mom isn't coming back."

I sighed, "Why does it matter? I don't even understand why you want me here."

"I told you. I have feelings for you and I like seeing you," he said, smoothly.

"But you don't want to act on them?" I furrowed my brow.

Eugene shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you."

To me, that's like saying I just want to use you for a night. But I don't know maybe Eugene was different. 

"So considerate...."

"You think I'm kidding, Rachel. I'm serious," he stepped closer to me, but I backed away to keep my distance.

Turning my head away, "What's your problem with commitment anyway?"

"I used to think it was everyone around me... But I have come to terms with it being my fault. It's me. Commitment has always been something I run from," Eugene sighed and sat down on the couch, looking up as me as I remained standing.


"I don't know! I don't like feelings... They're sticky and messy."

I tilted my head and looked in his brown eyes, "I think you've confused feelings with honey or paint, Eugene..."

"It doesn't matter anymore, I guess. I just want to know if you were going to forgive me..?" He looked at me with hope lacing his eyes.

"I could forgive you," my voice sounded flat.

"Now or in six years?" he raised on eyebrow.

"I don't know you."

He gathered his hands in his lap. "Well, get out your phone," he said.

"Why?" I asked as he instantly confused me.

"So you can set a reminder for six years from now to forgive your favorite person. Eugene."

"Very funny," I hissed slightly.

"Who would have known that being behind a couch for a second could piss you off so much... Noted." he hissed back.

"Okay, I was back there for two hours while I could have been meeting your mom."

"And I'm telling you I saved both of our asses by you hiding down there," he shook his head in thought.

I acted like I was ignoring him by getting out my phone.

"What are you doing?"

No reaction came from me.


Still nothing.

"What are you doing?" 

I snapped my head up at him, "Oh, I'm glad you asked. I'm setting a reminder."

"For when?" he asked, swallowing nervously. 

"Haven't decided. Still thinking..." I paused and looked up at him from my phone.

He look sincerely sorry.

Am I taking this to far? Probably. Do I care? No. Am I hurt? For sure.

I guess, there was just something in me that made me so upset over this. My entire life, it just seems like I always fall for something I can't have. Over and over. It's my curse. 

He stood up and slowly started to stid towards me.

"I know what I've said. No commitment. No feelings. But I've told you I feel one of those things."

"You have also told me that you don't want to hurt me," I said, crossing my arms.

He sighed, "If you're willing to take a chance then I'm willing to try, but I can't promise that feelings won't be damaged in the process."

"Is that supposed to be an apology? For you to attempt to act on feelings? I'm basically your guinea pig."

He shrugged, "I don't even know at this point. Why not, Rachel.....? Because your afraid?"

"I'm not ready to burn our bridge over this. I'd be stupid if I wasn't scared of getting hurt. Again.."

We were slowly walking closer to each other.

"I want to try...."

My heart speeding up as we were almost touching, "I forgive you."

"You forgive me?" his eyes light up slightly.

"Are you happy-"

His lips smashed into mine. The world felt like it stopped spinning along with my breath, but my heart beat was rather rapid. My arms uncrossed and found their way up to his neck. I closed my eyes as the shock faded and I kissed him back.

Feeling his lips on mine made me realize this is where I wanted to be the entire time.

In this moment, I was okay if this was one night and I was okay if we were like this for an eternity.

Eugene's hands moved to my lower waste. His arms around me, somehow made me relax but tense up at the same time. Magic. 

Kisses danced around our lips over and over like sparkes.

They say home is where the heart is. This time, My hearts is in Eugene's hands. He could make or break me.


So... That was their first kiss!!! Are you shocked??? What do you think?

I can't wait to hear your comments :)

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now