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By the way Hermann(my biological father) was starting to act, my face must have showed every single built up emotion. He started to get jumpy and jittery. It almost seemed like he was scared, more scared than I was. The memoried calmed some of my worries. Yes, he was still a stranger but at least I know a sliver of who he is. The part that worries me is the things I don't know about him. Like, what did he do in the sixteen years between our last time together? Is he a criminal?

I was a kid when I left. Everything at home seemed fine to my sinicent eyes one day and then the next thing I know, I blinked once and he was gone. All that was left of him for a while was a big question mark on what would ever happen in the moment and future.

Once again, for the second time today, I snapped myself out of my own thoughts, at least it wasn't a flashback this time.

"I understand whatever you might be feeling. I can explain when you're ready," he said as he stepped away, giving me space.

I sighed, "This is just a lot."

"I know. I couldn't imagine-"

Not wanted to hear his excuses or plees, "Why didn't you warn me?"

"I did... I tried to call you yesterday." He crossed his black sleeve covered arms over his chest.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm asking why didn't you tell us?"

He took a deep breath like he was bracing himself. "I didn't know how. I guess, my way of thinking that week or day, you could say, before I left was that it would be better to just rip the band-aid off as fast as possible to expose the wound, maybe so it could heal faster."

Scrunching my brow, "You know what happens when you rip a band-aid off?! It tears the skin and make it worse than it would if it was slow and drawn out."

"It's over now, Rachel."

"Well, Maybe for you but it will never be that same for mom and I. You lived out your life how you wanted while the course of ours was completely changed."

"And I can't say sorry enough for that. All I can do, is try now. I'm back and I want to try."

"Well, Hermann. That sure is nice to hear. Gives me some closure. My father is alive and out there. Obviously," I sighed and tried to gather myself, "Give me space."

I could tell that he was hurt by me calling him his actually name instead of dad. His body relaxed as he walked backwards towards the stairs. He stopped, "This." he pointed between us. "Can only get better with work and time, Rachel. Sounds like you wanted to know your dad and he's right in front of you. Now's your chance. You have my number call me when your ready and I'll drop everything to come to you like I should have done a long time ago."

Having trouble finding the words to say, "Okay..." I nodded and stuck my hand out. "I can't disrespect you. I can be royally pissed that you left us but you're my blood and disrespecting you would go against how my mother raised me."

He looked impressed, "I knew you would be okay." Hermann shook my hand. "Have a good night."

I swallowed back a few words that dared to slight from my mouth. Be calm, Rach. This is going to take time. I tried to tell myself.

He turned to walk away. Making it about halfway down the strip of my sidewalk, he turned to look at me, "One more thing, I promise to leave everyone alone. You are going to respect me. I won't bother you and your friends. But, You are still my daughter and that boyfriend of yours is going to break your heart. I can sense that from a mile away. After all of this, your heart might not be able to take that. I just want you to be prepared."

In a slight state of shock, "How do you know so much about me?"

"You're my daughter. I never truly lost you, honey."

We shared gazes as I tried to gather my thoughts once again for the thousandth time of the night.

I watched as he walked down the street to a car. He started it up and started to drive. He got closer to my house. The street lights illuminated to side of the car just enough that I could see a light bar on the top and on the side were the words, LA Police... Emergency 911.

That explains a lot. The dark clothing... Being able to see how I'm doing. He trustworthy to most people, as cops serve and protect and most people respect that about them. My mom never told me. I'm starting to get the feeling that she didn't tell me a lot about this whole thing...

I took a deep breath in as I tried to take in all of the new information. I turned around and finished unlocking my door. I walked inside, re-locked it behind me and started to get ready for bed. Faintly, I could hear my phone buzzing like someone was trying to call me but I just let it go.

To much on my mind to add anything else to it.

12:09 A.M.

Ring. Ring. Ring. In my tired state all I could hear was, No more sleep for you, Rachel. Like your brain isn't busy and full enough for one freaking night...

The urge to throw my phone at the wall was the only thing I could think of to solve this predicament. How about you answer your phone Rachel...?

I pried my eyes open and grabbed my phone on the side of the bed. I took it off the charger before I answered it.

"Hello?" My voice was sounded sleepy, maybe even very grumpy... I didn't look at the caller ID.

"Oh, okay. Great... Well, thanks for the good night call, Rach."

"Oh crap. I'm sorry, Eugene," I sighed, "A lots happened. I'll explain it to you tomorrow."


"Are you mad?"

The other end was silent for a second. I heard a sigh.

"No, I was worried about you."

"I'll be over in the morning."

"Oh, yeah. No work tomorrow since it'll be Sunday."

I nodded, "Good night."


I hung up and immediately fell back asleep.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now