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The picture above is Rachel's outfit.


Continued from where we left off at the end of ch. 9....

"I don't understand." I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door to my car as I pressed the phone to my ear.

"Rachel, please don't take it the wrong way."

"What I really want to know is how you made the decision to get rid of me in only a weeks worth of work..." I closed my door and walked towards the doors of the store.

"No. NO. NOOO. That is not what I meant in the least. You have a job and you most likely always will have a job with us whether you ever leave and want to come back or not," he explained.

"Oh..." I walked inside the store and walked through isles. I had a basket in one hand and my phone up to my ear in the other. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding and I appreciate that you think of me and like me enough to want me to work with you like that."

"Anytime Rach," he assured. 

"I can understand why you were afraid to tell me now.." I sighed.

"Don't worry about it."

"When does she start working?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Tomorrow.. Please don't worry. She's not going to replace you."

"Whats her name?" I wondered.

"I'm sorry. Do I hear jealousy in your voice?"Eugene asked.

"No!" I obviously lied. "Why in the world would I be jealous of the slightly newer girl than me??"

Eugene laughed, "You'd be surprised. Feelings make people go wild."

"Feelings? What feelings??"


I cleared my throat. Checked my groceries out at the self checker thingy. Bagged 'em up. And walked my butt out of the store, all the way to my car.

"Eugene??" I asked to see if he was still on the other line of the phone. I thought maybe he had zoned the whole thing out. I would understand. I'd get bored of talking to me too.

"Oh. I'm still very much here. I was just waiting for you to admit or realize those feelings we were talking about," he stated seriously in a very Eugene, sassy way. 

"K.... But I seriously don't know what you're talking about, Eugene."

"I'll let you think about that on your way home."


"Drive safe," he quickly interrupted me.

beep beep beep

This little bitch hung up on me.

I groaned, frustrated and confused... I drove all the way back to the office as quickly as I could despite the traffic.

I got back to the office. Parked my car, walked inside, put the groceries away before setting up the table. The fried chicken was warming up in the oven.. The smell started to spread through the house.

I finished cooking and called the boys in the dining room to eat. All of us took out lunch break as we all ate together. Ned played music off his phone. Of course, Eugene picked on him for his song choices. 

Midway through our lunch, a knock at the door broke through out peace. I sat my water glass down and stood up, "I'll get it.." I walked to the door and look through the peephole before opening it to see a young girl with a box full of stuff.

"Oh, are you Ariel?" I asked her, assuming it was Ned's wife since I had never met her.

She looked a little confused, "Umm, No. I'm Emily. I'm here to set up my desk. I'll be working here as an assistant..."

"Ohh.. Sorry." I moved over to let her though the door. "Come in..."

"Thanks..." As she shuffled in Eugene walked out to greet her.

"Hey! Emily... Right through here will be where you will work. Mostly." He guided her to a desk right in front of mine.


Now, I get to stare at this bitch all day.

I smiled a little and stood in the doorway. Not to mention, the fake smile with a ting of hate behind the half assed vibe of it. 

Emily sat down the box and set up the desk.

Eugene kept looking at me trying to get my attention. He cleared his throat, "Rachel, Let's leave her alone for a bit to settle in. Okay??" He smiled at me and forced me out the doorway before shutting it behind him. 

"Listen, I'm not going to kill her," I tried explaining.

"Right... So that explains that look you were giving off in there?"

"Mmmhh," I mumbled back to him, "I'm not jealous. Why would I be?"

"Keep lying to yourself then, Rach." Eugene grabbed my arm as he walked away so I would be pulled with him.

"I can handle myself, Eugene."

I rolled my eyes but continued to walk back to the dinning room with him.

All of us ate silently in the dining room. The other guys didn't really think anything was wrong and Eugene acted normal. 

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now