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My attempt to make it out to Eugene's car and avoid the rained dropped turned out to be a sad and failed attempt. The windshield wipers flung the water off the windshield as I shut the car door. Taking a deep breath, i looked down at my shirt covered with dark rain drops showing all over me.

"That's a nice look for you," Eugene said over the sound of the rain hitting his car, pointing at the drops of water on me. He had turned the radio down as I got in so we could talk and actually comprehend what the other was saying.

I grabbed ran my hands through my slightly damp brown hair, "I ran through the rain to get to your car... What can you expect??"

"I was serious. You look good." He turned out of Emily's driveway and started to drive down the road, cars passing by in the opposite direction as we continued on.

The car was silent for the first few minutes.

In those few minutes, I looked around and took everything insight. His car was clean and organized unlike mine. He had air fresheners in the vents and the floor was clean like he had just swept it out.. Everything was nice and tidy like how I imagined the inside of his mind to be unlike the mess of anxiety and panic my mind is. But as I took in everything that is not visible to the eyes, the air in the car and everything around it felt like it shifted. The tension and thoughts could be sensed by even the people passing by in their car or walking down the streets.

I lifted my eyes to the radio. My hand flew up to turn up the volume dial but Eugene's hand grabbed mine to stop it.

"I think we should talk." He moved his hand back to the grey steering wheel.

"Okay.." I stated reluctantly. 

"I know you were trying to avoid it," he sighed.


"I'm sorry if I lead you on or something because I don't want you to get the impression that I'm a good guy."

I stayed silent to let him explain and get his thoughts out.

"I don't want you to think or have false hope because I have never been the kind of guy to stay with one girl and carry the intention of being with her forever. So with that being said. The whole point of me saying this not to hurt you. Its to prevent you being hurt worse in the future when you are ready to settle down and I'm here, never ready to settle..." He paused for oxygen. "Also, I don't want to confuse you or say that you were seeing me send mixed signals. I wasn't. There definitely is a connection between us and I'd be stupid if I didn't feel it. I'm sure you agree?" He looked at me with a questioning gaze before he drew his attention back to the road.

I cleared my thought and tried to sound like my feelings weren't hurt, "Well, yeah. I agree..."

He frantically looked back and forth from me and the road, "I really didn't want to hurt you."

"I know. You didn't," the lie rolled off my tongue in a way that made it hard to tell if it was a lie or if it was truthful.

Silence roared through the car as I thought out my next statement, "I'm not hurt. I just not easy for me to get attached to someone. And when I do, it always ends up like this. It makes me feel and I can't help but think that it's a me problem because it's happened to me way too much. It doesn't feel like a coincidence anymore," I paused to catch my breath and I could tell he was being quiet to let me talk like I was for him, "Do not feel bad about how I'm feeling right now because at the end of the day it's a me problem not a you problem."

He sighed and shook his head, still not looking at me.

"After all of the things we just got off our chest don't hold back whatever your thinking now," I commented.

"I'm just worried that after this, things won't be the same. We won't be the same."

"Don't worry, Eugene, I'm not like that."

"I know but after all of this, I still think we have a connection and it would be ashame if we just ignored it," he explained. "I just have one question.. Why me? Of all people, Why fall for me..?"

"Because you saw me when I was invisible. When I started at buzzfeed. Sure.... All the try guys did, but I heard you made the final push the add me to your team and after that I couldn't help but fall for you."

His side of the car stayed silent for a few blocks making me look up and watched the road. I noticed we were not headed back to the office and I couldn't help but wonder if Eugene was even paying attention to the direction he was taking us as the conversation was going on during the drive.

"Where are you going?? My car is at the office."

"I'm going home."

"With me?"

"Yeah, I'm not done talking, Rach."



Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now