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Friday Morning

I hopped out of the car and pressed the button on my keys to lock the doors, before I started to walk away from my car. I looked ever at Eugene. He was walking and looking down at my phone. "Rach, you're getting a call from an unknown number..." He showed me the screen.

"Just ignore it," I shrugged as I turned the golden key to unlock the front door to the office, since we were the first one's there. Jumping slightly when he causally slipped the phone back into my back pocket. I heard him laugh behind me. I walked in the office with a slight eye roll at his arrogance.

The rest of the guys slipped in the office on their own pace, one by one. Eventually, they were all here and working together to get stuff done.

Walking to the room with all of our desks made me feel somber-ish. Emily's stuff was gone. Her desk was empty and desolate. Yeah, she's okay and on her way to being fully recovered, but I can't help to think the office will miss her snarky comments. Afterall, you have to admit, it was entertaining.

My keys made a jingling sound when I plopped them down on my desk.

The guys disappeared to talk about something that must me super secrete enough not to tell me, but it was most likely about budget or the business side of the new office. So considerate to leave me out of the stress of that, guys...

My back was facing away from the door. I heard someone clear their throat behind me like they were trying to get my attention. Turning around to find Eugene, I frowned a little, "I have a name ya know..."

He nodded, "I know," he held his hand out and waved it slightly as he talked, "Keith, Ned and I are planning on going to try on corsets for a video. Zach's not going. Do you want to help us film today?"

"I'd love to," I said, smiling light-heartedly.

Joining together at Neds car, I ran over with the camera bag in my hand. "Shotgun!"

I watched them roll their eyes as I buckled up nice and snuggly in the passenger side I just graciously won and now and having the honor to sit in.

Ned drove us to the store that would fit them for corsets and explained the entire video. They would wear them for the entire weekend, which included the pride parade on saturday for Eugene.

After we got there, we met the ladies at the front and made sure it was okay to film. As I do, I set up the cameras.The filming process when smooth. Everything they were saying was perfect, but I have to admit, my directing skills are pretty on point.

Keith and Ned got done with their part of the beginning of the video. It was now Eugene's turn to get a cincher on.

Grunting as the lady tied up the back of the corset, Eugene looked over at me. I held my breath a little as I tried not to laugh, the camera's still rolling.

I looked at him from across the camera, "All weekend Eugene..."

"Don't remind me..."

The fitting lady walked away to leave us to talk as a group. The video filming for the beginning was pretty much over.

Eugene walks over to me, corset still very much on, and puts his arms around my waist. I did the same.

"How are you skinnier than me now?? I don't like it."

He chuckled before pecking my lips, "You're beautiful and be glad you don't have to where this death trap..." he let go of my waist to turn towards the guys, who were not really paying attention to us from the pain around their waist.

"You know this weekend, is a gay pride parade, right?"

They all groaned as they realized they would have to wear corsets to the parade. I laughed slightly at their pain. Keith turned towards me, "You wanna switch places then??" he said with a smirk.

I held my hands up, "No, thank you. I'm perfectly comfortable as I am."

Saturday; Morning of the parade and the first 24 hrs of corsets

I got dressed like I normal did every morning. Take out the rainbow colors and I'd wear this outfit everyday. A rainbow hoodie tie-dye hoodie and ripped up jeans that were folded slightly above my grey hightop converse is the outfit I picked out for this special day.

Today was the gay pride parade and it was the first day Eugene and the other two guys would wear corsets. 



Sorry about the lack of updates...

September 11th distracted me slightly as I was working on a short story(which is now published). If you like stories about firefighters or family go check it out!!  I'd love if you read it. I'm pretty proud of it. It's officially published and called 343 on my profile. I love the story. It hits very close to home and I miss the characters I created in that story quite a lot.

 It hits very close to home and I miss the characters I created in that story quite a lot

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That being said.... After I finished that short story in the two days time I gave myself to work on it, I took a break from writing in general. I know you don't want to hear this.... BUT, I'm going to take another few days off from writing.

(I'm saying that now, but it hurts me not to write so you might get an update before then...)

Just expect updates to slow down for just a week-ish.

I'm having really bad writers block and that is how I work through it best... 

I love you guys! Thank you so much for reading my story. It's not over and I've got some super exciting ideas for what's to come with this story. Hope you like it.

Don't be a silent reader.  Vote, comment, and follow <3

See you soon.

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now