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  Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Or so they say. Often, It seems like my kind of destination is not so beautiful and it never will be. It just gets more difficult as I go. But my little pity party in my head when away quickly as my brain quickly realized that there was something not quite right about my current situation.

My head ached and it felt like my eyes could exploded out of my head at any time.

I was hung over from the mistake that was last night...

I could tell I wasn't at home. You may be asking, "But... Rachel. You haven't even opened you eyes? How in the world could you possible tell?"

Glad you asked.

Clue number one was that this couch is undeniably comfortable. It felt like the perfect hang over rest station.

Clue number two was there was a warm body radiating its heat on me as it layed on top.. I don't have a dog, cat or human other than me at my house.

My third and final clue that I was indeed not on my couch in my place was I could hear the slight murmur of voices somewhere in the house. Again, I live alone. Hopefully. I don't want to go back home now and find someone in my basement, because they would be intruding. Maybe, I need a dog???

I felt something wet and cold like my face as it pulled me out of my rambled state of thoughts. 

Did my kidnapper decide it was okay to lay on me and have the audacity to like my face?? Then again.. He kidnapped me. So....

Afraid to pry my eyes open, I decided it might be a good idea to feel first. 

I unwrapped on arm from under the warm heavenly blanket and reached out.

I grabbed a lot of air and convinced my self I was crazy for a second.

Jumping when I finally touched something and subconscious laughing at myself, because only I could scare myself like that...


Was that fur?

Oh, thank god!

It's not a nasty monster of the night. Not Dracula. 

I pet the fur a little bit.

It attached me with slobber and licks so I retracted my hand to wipe it off. Ick....

I opened my eyes and definitely didn't recognize anything around me. Not even the very adorable husky laying with me, "Well, hey bud. What's your name?"

He stared back at me and didn't answer. What a jerk... 

Ha HA.

He was to cute to be mad at.

I closed my eyes and acted like I was asleep when I heard foot steps heading in my direction. The voices seemed very familiar like I have heard both of them before. I couldn't quite distinguish who they were though..

"I told you not to worry about it."

"How can I not worry, Jake. She hates me and I don't know what to do.."

"Well, maybe she'll be okay with you now since you gave her some where to pass out.

"Maybe you should leave before she wakes up."

"Yeah maybe Emily.."

I head the door close behind him as she walked over to me. She must have hardwood floors, because I could hear every little move.

"Hi, Parker.... You keep her company?" she spoke softly to the dog. 

I continued to be "asleep" as the dog licked my face in response, making me flinch a little.

"Good morning."

A thought popped in my head as soon as the events of last night cam rushing in like a waterfall. Emily cheated on Jake with Eugene. She kissed Eugene. That was the entire reason I made myself blackout drunk.. Did she tell Jake or is she going to play him too?

I opened my eyes and looked at her. I tried to sit up but the dog was holding me down pretty good, but with his fluffy, cuteness I couldn't even get mad at it.

She must have seen the realization go through my eyes. She sighed and handed me a glass of water, "I know. I was sober and I still made the mistake of kissing him when I have Jake.."

I gently pushed Parker so he was still on my lap but I could bend at the waist to sit up and lean on my arm to drink water.

"You didn't poison this, right?"

"No! I really don't know why you hate me that much! I saved your ass last night and brought you hear before you passed out in a cab.."

"Listen, Lady, ever since you knocked on the door the first day I knew you had it out for my happiness and that exactly like what your doing with Jake and Eugene!"

Lost in LA  || A Try Guys Fan-fiction (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now