Chapter 33 - The World Reacts

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The Orchid Valleys

1 Year Later.

Gaogui kissed his mothers forehead softly as she rested in a deep coma that Lanhua had placed her in to prevent her from rising or even waking.  Her healing would take many Immortal Realm Years, but it was necessary if she was going to return in good health.

He had only been in the Orchid Valleys for one day, but one whole year had passed in the Immortal Realm, so he did not want to linger too much longer.  He knew she was safer where she was, Lanhua would take good care of her, and once he was happy with the progress being made in his own world, he would return to visit her.

He had also visited Honghui and Shao Wan earlier that day, having heard that he was now awake.  But the meeting had not gone as well as he had hoped.  Not only did he refuse to look at him, he could see he was fully taking responsibility for what had happened.  Shao Wan had already explained to him what had happened and why, but like his mother, he too would need time to heal.  Though from what he understood, they were planning to return to the Immortal Realm as quickly as possible in order to save the remnants of their people, and to help bring order back to their world.

Which was what he was also planning.  This was not a part of the original plan, but like Ye Hua who continued to send him thought messages, he too was needed. Di Jun had already taken over the Celestial Heavens and was once again bringing their world back from the brink and with Ye Hua at his side, who was learning alongside him for the day he would take over, a lot of progress had already been made.

The day Di Jun took over, the Celestial Heavens was opened to anyone and everyone seeking refuge, regardless of their Tribe or whether they were low or dark Realm entities.  Princess Yan Zhi of the Ghost Clan had also arrived to assist her people and to gather supplies they needed while at the same time assisting with the care of the children who had lost their parents.

Thankful for her arrival, and impressed with her soft gentle manner and more than capable of getting her hands dirty, being one of the few surviving leaders to show themselves despite the arrival of their people, he gave her the position of head caregiver to the childrens Palace, which had belonged to Su Jin.  Though from Ye Hua had told him, she was beginning to make moves to return to what was left of their lands to assist her people back to some kind of normality.

Su Jin on the other hand, though still a Princess who had lived her entire life in comfort and ease, was not only thrown into the kitchen to cook the enormous daily meals needed to feed the masses, she was reduced to a mere maid.  Forced to work under harsh conditions, take orders from a woman who threatened to cut her own meals if she did not pull her weight, and often sent her back to Di Jun in tears when she threw her weight around, she eventually learned that this new life was here to stay, and if she wanted to survive she needed to learn that she was no longer the centre of the world.  Su Jin was in effect going through her High Immortal Trial in order to create a decent woman who was worth knowing, though she was not aware of it.

And through the thought messages that Ye Hua sent through, Gaogui also learned that the Skylord had been effectively retired.  The lightening  bolt he received injured him severely but it did not kill him.  Instead he was being forced to watch how a world was meant to be taken care of in times of need.  And though he retained a high enough rank that would allow him to live the rest of his days in comfort, he had no voice in any decision making, and that included Ye Huas future.  In fact he was all but ignored and left alone in his Palace with just one maid to tend to his every need.  Even his Harem had been emptied in order to utilize their vast skills, which many of them had.  Sewing clothing from the Palaces enormous stores of cloth, tending to the vast gardens which most of them had grown, and even making all manner of toys for the children to keep them happy and calm.  Some days, kites by the thousands were seen in the daytime sky, while lanterns were seen at night.

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