Chapter 61 - The Blood Bloom

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After their meeting, Mo Yuan had spent much of the night in the archives briefly scanning through the old text he held on the Mystics, text that used to belong to them.  Their people were so ancient that the texts themselves had to be kept in a separate area of the archives which the Disciples maintained, and it is was those texts that they spent the most amount of time keeping  in good order.

He had read through most of them when he was younger, but there were many he had not read and that was because they were under a barrier spell that not even his father had been able to lift and it was these texts he assumed they had come back for, though why they hadn't come earlier was a question he had been mulling over for some time.

Did they know what would befall their world?  Is that why they were kept safe so they could one day return for them? he wondered and if so, what exactly did they contain?

He would have stayed in there all night had Bai Qian not gone looking for him.  Forcing him out and back to their chamber which the Disciples had rebuilt with Chang Shans help, he reluctantly left the archives with a heavy heart.

"I cannot allow you to assist them Qian Qian.  I have almost lost you three times now, not again." he said as she forced his outer robes from his body before forcing him to lie down, something he was getting used to.  

If I can help them in some way Mo Yuan, and so long as the children will be safe, I must help." she insisted.

Sighing, he knew it was pointless arguing with her.  Once she set her mind on something she just did it, but he was going to be prepared to manhandle her if he had to.  Now pulling her into bed with him, he smothered any last words she had to say.

Now sitting in the Grand Hall with his Disciples seated against the wall, with Di Jun, Zhe Yan, Bai Qian and Bai Zhi, who had just arrived sitting at the low table awaiting their arrival, Mo Yuan was nervous, though he did not show it.

And on time, they arrived with a howling wind and a boom of lightening.  The shadow that fell on the entrance as they entered was just as impressive as their entry, it completely swept the entire Hall before momentarily forcing it into darkness.  But as the shadow lifted, not only was their guest already standing at the steps below the platform, only one had arrived, a woman and an exceptionally beautiful one.

Even more impressive was her appearance.  Taller than anyone else in the hall, her energy was almost overpowering the Disciples who quickly found themselves weakening under the immense power of the woman, though it was obvious to Mo Yuan, the dimness she had forced into the Hall was a kind of protection that limited the intensity of her energy that they were feeling.

Standing, Mo Yuan moved off the Platform to greet her.  "Welcome back to Kunlun Mountain.  I am Mo Yuan." he said softly before raising his hands to greet her formally.

With both hands held out with the palms facing upwards, she dipped her head lightly.  "I am Lai Cuifen and the Overlord of the Mystics." She said in the most loveliest tone of voice they had ever heard.  It was song like and very sweet that it did not seem to match the womans power at all which those closest to her could feel like a soft throb against their minds.

Captured by the womans beauty, Bai Qian took in the long fiery red hair, the large piercing green eyes and the long emerald green gown which was lightly embroidered in gold trim.  She looked every bit the Overlord but she too could see that the immense power coming off her was being purposely held back to its fullest which she also gathered was to protect those around her.

The woman looked nothing like that man she remembered seeing on their Mountain range, in fact thinking back to that time, she also remembered that he had been behind a barrier so it was more than likely it was an illusion barrier, one that disguised his true identity.  But looking now at this woman in her true form, she also realized that she came completely open to them, which meant she was willing to let them see her in order to get what they wanted.

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