the city

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"Oh my fucking gosh! Archie A is so hot!" Cheryl, my best friend, screamed at the top her lungs as the people started crowding up here in the rooftop of the mall. The concert hasn't started yet and yet so many people are rushing to get inside.

"Cheryl, this place is too crowded," I complained as I get irritated. Cheryl Marjorie happened to make me go here.

"Please! For once, can we not be the rich mean girls? Let's be fan girls this summer," She said as she excitedly stood up to see them.

"I'm not mean," I said as I rolled my eyes. I am actually a good person but people misunderstand me because of a fucking rumour.

We're going to college soon and Cheryl pushed me here tonight because we're on a vacation and we don't have things to do so she suddenly stan this famous boy band from Riverdale just because she's bored.

Well yeah, I admit every summer for us means partying, shopping, and travelling is kinda boring now to us because for our lives revolve around it. We want something new and I didn't know that I will end up here.

I am bored too and heart broken. I can't even believe I let myself lose to that asshole—my ex and that's maybe because we're childhood friends.

That Nick St. Clair is a fucking monster and a cheater. He said to everyone that I was the one who cheated and because he is loved by everyone plus his family is the owner of the school, and a mvp player—they fucking believe him and made me the slut and a cheater. He ruined me.

"Yes, you're a good person tbh but according to St. Creature and the others who vowed upon him, we are. So why not," Tonight, I also want to be another person. Just a simple fan girl and rich without thinking my real life which is composed of social gathering, parties, and travel.

My friends keep messaging me to come to their parties beacuse me and Cheryl is the life of it—of course we are the subject of the rumours in the fucking prestigious school.

But I'm done. I don't want to be that person anymore. I'm sick of taking care of my reputation and being the party and mean girl they know. I'm sick of them calling me the sultry, rich, bitch and slutty girl. I am fucking done with that reputation.

The truth is I don't have a lot of experiences with boys ironically to what they are calling me. Since my childhood friend who is my ex is the only boy I've ever liked since I'm fifteen and we have known each other for five years and for that years, I haven't met anyone new other than that asshole and I totally regret it.

"Oh my gosh! It's starting!" The people started screaming and shouting their names I don't even know. I look at the stage and yup we're VVIP—right infront of stage. I don't even know what to do bc I don't even know the band and the band members so.

"Who even are these boys, Marjorie?" I asked her because she's all so giddy. The boys didn't even go up in the stage yet.

"They are stars!!! I LOVE YOU ARCHIE ANDREWS!" She said excitedly not minding my question. I sighed, " I'm going to the rest room," I said and she nod excitedly as she focused her attention on the stage.

But I suddenly feel the urge to have a green tea frappe. I need it. I go down on the nearest Starbucks inside the mall and this mall is for vip so they don't have a lot of ppl inside of it.

I ordered something on the barista, "One venti green tea frappe pls," I said to the barista. "Veronica," I said and he suddenly wrote my name. I immediately walked while answering the messages of Cheryl.

From Cheryl:

It hasn't started yet. This event is for VERY VERY LIMITED PPL ONLY DUH.



To Cheryl:


I'm going now.

I replied but I shrieked the moment I bumped into someone. Oh my gosh! I looked up to him and frappé is all over his white shirt. And fuck, his blue ocean eyes is so mesmerizing.

"What the fuck?" He said as he harshly grabbed me immediately and push me into the elevator.

"What? Is it my fault?" I asked him and he coldly glared at me. I clearly remembered that he's also holding his phone. Why the fuck is it my fault?

"So, it's my fault? Don't you know who I am?" He said galring at me like he's angry or what. He clicked the 5th floor of the mall.

"I don't care who you are. The thing is you're pinning me that this is my fault when in fact, we both made a mistake." I said to him as I looked at him.

Damn, I have never been attracted to a stranger and I think this boy is so gorgeous. But fuck him, he's so cold and harsh.

"You don't know me?" He sneered as he scan me from head to toe. He smirked as he see the print in my hand, "Uh huh, you're one of my fans."

He grabbed my hand and he asked to me coldly in a mocking way, "So that incident was an act just to get my attention? Pretty genius," He moved closer to me.

"What?" I said confused as I looked at him and he returned his stare at me with the same intensity.

"I'm Jughead Jones. Don't pretend that you don't know me, you're a stalker and you have the stamp of the VVIP fans." He said to me as he chuckled out of the elevator.


Now he thought I lied and stalker?! What fantasy is that?! Fine, he's gorgeous and hot nobody can't resist that. BUT THE PERSONALITY? MY GOSH, IT'S A TRASH. HE'S SO FULL OF HIMSELF.

AAAGH. "What?! I don't even know you!" I shouted to him but he just said, "Stop pretending," He said coldly to me as the elevator door closed but before the door closed he added, "And just to make you go away, I don't like you. So stop stalking me," Wow, I never know boys like him exist.

For the very first time, someone said to me that they don't like me. Because boys only want to date me just because I'm rich and pretty. I think it's time for me to chase someone who doesn't like me for my family status and reputation.

Is it possibe to like someone for the very first time you met them? Because I think I just did. I feel humiliated and angry af but for my twenty years of existence, for the first time, I feel the excitement to know someone and to be close to that person.

Fine. I breathed.

Let me be that girl he doesn't like. I will melt that coldness away. I'm gonna like Jughead Jones. I'm going to be his fan girl and I'll do anything just to make him closer to me.

I'm not going away, Jughead—whoever you are. And wait, is that even a name?



hi! this story is inspired by the tv series which is riverdale—one of my faves shows. some of the casts and places are similar but they are not the same. i use the casts as the characters of my story but their personality and character on the show is not the same with this fan fiction. there are some changes that i input made by my imagination.

note: please bear with typos and wrong grammar in the way i write. i only write and type on my phone. also, i forgot to include trigger warnings on scenes that can affect u guys. i will fix it as soon as i have time. sorry!!!

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now