phone call

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"Who is this?" Jughead asked in the other line and I feel relieved and happy the moment I hear his voice. It's been a week since the last day I saw him and since the issue about Archie's mystery girl fired up.

"It's Veronica," I finally said and he mumbled something I didn't here. After a lot of missed calls, he finally picked up. I exerted a lot of effort in finding his number just to tell him that the news is fake.

"Why do you have my number? And why are you even calling me?" He said coldly to me. I thought we're becoming closer after that night but I guess. am wrong. The walls are too high for me to climb up to his life.

I immediately said, "I have sources."

"Oh, yeah Archie right? That's why you didn't want me to drive you home." He said sounded sarcastic and pissed but that's impossible. It is not even from Archie!

"Speaking of that, we're not even a thing or dating or whatever the news are saying." I stated as if he cares but I just want him to know that my feelings for him are true. Kinda. He might think I like Archie because of those pics and I don't want to ruin my chance.

"So it's a fling then? I don't care." Wow. That kinda hurts. He said and those three words feel like an arrow right into my heart. But I need to keep the conversation going. This is probably the first and last one, I should make the most of it.

"I-uhmmm no we're not even that close. Remember the favour that I was talking about?" I asked him trying to open a new topic. "So? What about that?" He coldly said.

"Go out with me." I said it. I breathed out of embarrassment. I am so crazy. Damn it. I don't even know why I said that. Gosh. Damn.

"Why would I date someone like you?" He irritably said to me as if I'm no one. Yes, I am no one in his life. I think. Our world is different. Maybe, I am used to people pursuing me that's why I am kinda new to chasing someone who's not interested plus who probably hates me.

"Just go out with me once. I'm not going to bother you again after that. I promise." As if I would do that. But then again, I am hoping for a yes.

"No," He said firmly and my heart almost break into two but no. Ooops, this feels like a rejection. First time ever in my life, I fee rejected and unwanted. That's the moment I realised that not all of people will like me as like as before.

"Why?" I said and the sadness in my voice is already evident but I try my voice to be as normal as usual.

"Just because," He said and I can't even know how to respond with him. I am totally broken right now so I need to confirm it, I asked, "Ah. Do you like someone else right now?"

"Kinda," He shortly said and I knew it from that moment that it's impossible for him to like me back. He's probably in love with someone else right now.

I should stop. I need to stop. This is just probably an infatuation. Because that night in the bar, my feelings got deeper for him and maybe it's because of the way he treated me that night is different. And I hoped. And I lost.

"Oh, great. Bye." I suddenly ended the call out of annoyance. Fine. I breathed.

"Are you still not over him?" Cheryl said as she sees me in my room fixing the Serpents jacket and my things for tomorrow's because of the start of the classes.

It's been a month since the last time I saw the Serpents and besides they are taking a break too for school and preparing for their comeback album.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now