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It's been two days since that awkward situation. And I never said anything to Jughead that night. I just slowly left them while they talk with Houston.

I stared at what Houston just delivered to my room. It's the paper in the envelope. Annulment paper. Yeah it's a longer process but when you have money, it's just a snap of a finger and boom your marriage do not exist anymore. Like it never even happen at all. Houston is like Thanos. Gosh.

I said, "I need time." Then he immediately seek help from his private attorney the other day when we fought and his attorney sent him the file and now it's in my hand. He left while saying, "Think about it."

We will leave Hawaii in a few days and I need to make a decision now. I need to already let him go. Slowly, I grabbed my phone and texted him.

To Forsythe:
Jughead. Can we talk?

I sent it. Omg omg. I am waiting for his reply while I am scrolling some news about Houston interview yesterday. I will just watch it today. And WTF.

He freaking said an unimaginable. Such a freak. And I do not know how to react exactly at what he just did. He just clean my image with the scandal with Centineo but he added another scandal with himself. FUuuCK. 

This is the exact words he said: "I don't have a lot of time for an interview so I just want to make a statement regarding of my recent affiliation with Veronica Lodge. First, we're not married based on what the people are saying but we're getting there maybe. Second, we've known each other since high school so that's not make her a gold digger plus her family and she are already rich. Third, we're already dating when her scandal with Centineo spreaded. They are just friends who were hanging out. That's all. Excuse me." He said it so playfully and chill and I want to freaking slap him. He just lied for me. He freaking lied about dating and the 'getting there' part. I almost choke on that part.

To Houston:

What a freaking assHole. Whatever. I don't care anymore. I don't have a job so whatever. I'll leave Hawaii soon. And next Jughead. I left a beautiful memory here in Hawaii but I will replace it with a trajic one. That's life.

I realized that we need to end this marriage as soon as possible. He needs to have an oppurtunity for marrying again as well as me duh. I am turning 24 soon while Jug's turning 26 and we're not getting younger.

As I am waiting for Jughead's reply, I decided to party in the nearest club. It's 6 pm already but he hasn't replied yet. It's safe to prty since it's not that late. Gosh. Is he busy with his girlfirend? Dang it.

"I'll fcking regret this tomorrow but whatever. I will leave in days better enjoy now before going back in US." I whispered to myself as I walked my way in the bar. I took some alcohol shot to boost my confidence dancing and as soon as I felt the alcohol in my system. I slowly paved in the dancefloor.

After an hour, I stopped drinking and dancing as I am feeling tipsy already so I left the club and went to the nearest coffee shop. I dialled the first number in my contacts. It's probably Houston because he's the last one who called me. I need him to fetch me because I don't think I can ride back to my hotel alone.

"H-houston, can you fetch me? I'm here at the cafe near the club...I owe you a coffee..." I said feeling tired and sleepy. No one answered but he hung it up. So I guess, I'll just wait. An hour passed by and no one came. Until I decided to walk alone and I hit someone.

"Houston?" I raised up to see and in my blurry vision it looked like Houston but the scent is different. And it's familiar.

"No, I'm not...Veronica. Let's go..." He scoffed and grabbed me to go out of the coffee shop. What the hell. And make me enter his car.

"You need to be careful. There's fucking paparazzi out there. And you are fucking wasted." He said in annoyed tone.

"W-why they just can...can stop? Why did I end up like this? I don't freaking want to be the scandalous flirty, bitch, and slut model anymore. That everyone knows even Jughead. My dream was just to be a designer...but something happened..." I said opening up while my vision is a mess and so is my heart. He stopped the car for some reason.

"What fucking happened?" He said in a curious tone. I don't really know who am I talking to. But this secret is the one I have been keeping for awhile. I haven't told anyone this except my parents. And Houston is the first one to know...

"I killed someone..." Right after I said those words. I freaking burst in crying. I don't why. I just don't want to reminisce that memory. He didn't even flinched but after awhile he said in a soft tone almost like a whispered, "What? Who?"

"I don't want to tell anybody this but since you're here to fetch me up. I already trust you..." I said in a whispered tone. I glanced at him but I don't really recognize the person anymore maybe due to alcohol. But one thing I need, I need to vent this out. I need to freaking let out of the past.

"Just tell me, Veronica...Who did you kill?" He asked me while making me look at him.

"Jughead's twin...and..." I sobbed and sobbed and I couldn't constuct the next words into it...

"And?" He asked and I just cried..."I got into an accident after my first week that I arrived in my dream school." Everything just went quiet. That's the truth. Everything changes after that. My life changed even my career path changed that lead me to modeling and acting.

"What happened?" He asked then I looked at him and said while sobbing, "I was pregnant. Two weeks...I didn't know. I baby...Please...don't tell Jughead he doesn't know..." After I said that he cursed and cursed and I heard a lot of it. "Fuck Veronica. What the fuck are you saying? You're keeping it from me? What the fuck?! You were gonna say it to him but no to me?" He said full of anger before he went out of the car.

I don't know why he react like that. He's not even Jughead. And Jughead probably don't care so I am not telling him that. He probably get mad or he probably don't care.

I was just sobbing inside the car. I don't know how long he's out there but when he entered. I can see him wiping his tears. We're just quiet. Until I said, "Houston, drive me back my hotel room. I'm tired..."

"Could you stop fucking saying Houston? I am not hi—Fine. I'll take you home. We'll talk tomorrow."  He said and made the car started. I am more confused to his actions now. He's not Houston then who did I call???

I fell asleep not knowing if I spilled something that didn't need to be spilled. Darkness ate up my vision and I hope tomorrow, Jughead already replied to my message so I can give him the envelope.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now