the reckoning

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"Stay away from my son, Veronica Lodge." She said straight out of my face. I was startled of course because first we're doing okay now. We're finally okay—Jughead and I. It's been six weeks since Paris and we're working our relationship finally and now what the hell is she saying. Maybe she hates me because I was the one who caused Frost life's to end but why now?

"Uh pardon me? Why would I?" I said firmly to her as my anger started to rise. She spread pictures of me and Jughead kissing around in Paris while we're strolling around in the table as I looked at her confused.

"Excuse my language Mrs. Jones. But what the fuck do these pictures even mean?" I said as I scan the pictures. She raised her brow to me and she clicked her tongue.

"This is a destruction. You are a catastrophe, Ms. Lodge." She said and I said, "Correction, it's Mrs. Jones too. And what do you mean by that?" She smirked at my remark.

"Some paparazzis blackmailed me with these pictures before they will release it to press in NYC and in every broadcasting radio. They have many rivals now that they are rising even after going low for months. They said that they can actually ruin my son's band as soon as I didn't pay the money they are asking for. As a mother of Jughead, I paid them a big amount of money so they can shut up," I gasped. Fuck. I can't let that happen. I can't let Jughead's dream vanished through thin air.

"As you know, the fans are eagerly and excitedly waiting for them. After Sweet pea recovered, they will quickly make a comeback after a month of his recovery. Jughead said to me that they are preparing for months now before even Sweet pea woke up. Their fans are getting bigger and they are gettting greedier as ever," I can't help it. I have no choice. My tears started to roll down tp my face. My gosh.

"Is t-this the only way? But I-I love Jughead...he will fucking hate me for leaving him..." I said as I started to wipe my tears away.

"You think that after that pictures spread like wildfire on the internet, he will not hate you? He'll forever hate you for crashing his dreams, dear...He'll receive hates for being married and kissing a random girl because that is against their contract! You'll also receive bash and hate believe me," Come to think of it. I've been in his worst sides. The moment the accident happened, its effects to him and the possibility of him not achieveing his greatest dream with his friends. He wanted it too bad.

"That was Frost Pendleton's dream. My son gave up his dream—being a writer to make... his twin's dream came true. Don't be the reason to break it again...I am saying this to you as a mother who wants her son to achieve his dreams. I lost him years ago for his sister's safety and I and now I want to protect him and this is my only waaay." His twin's dream. Oh god. He didn't mention that to me. I think now I know why he badly want to pursue it. To spread their music across the world. He said he wanted to be a writer and I guess that change because of Frost Pendleton.

"Can you excuse me for a while." I said heading straight to the bathroom. This is suffocating. I owe Frost Pendleton my life. He saved my fucking life. He saved me years ago from that gun shot that was meant for me. Now, it's my turn to save Jughead even if he will hate me now and forever. At least I did something for Forsthye Pendleton to achieve his dream and even Frost Pendleton.

I started crying. Not because I hate to think that I have no choice. I hate to think that if I fight against now, I might lose. I hate to think that the only way for Jughead to achive his goals is for me to go away and vanish from his life. That's the only way. This is the only fucking way I'll repay Frost Pendleton.

I can't say anything. I just cried and cried not wanting to say anything. I've been crying for abt half a minute now until I finally calm down. I let it all out.

I am so stressed right now. Plus the journal that I need to passed on the fashion companies and my other requirements. I am a graduating student that's why a lot of requirements are needed to be passed on time and I am really passionate about this one because I am running for the position of top students.

I want to be accepted in my dream fashion school. It's an international fashion design and business school based in Paris—ESMOD (l'Ecole Supérieure des Arts et techniques de la Mode). I don't know why I am contemplating about my decisions. It's maybe because of Jug or whatever.

"Just...just promise me...Mrs. Jones..." I started when I got back on my seat and she looked at me. "What is it, dear?" She said while staring at me and giving me a hankerchief for my tears.

"Promise me,'ll do your part as her mother. Don't leave him again and no matter what, let him achieve his dreams." I said to her and she nods. I sighed as I started to agree with her. It's a non-disclosure agreement.

"Give me three weeks or a month, Mrs. Jones. A month to enjoy the remaining times with him," I said firmly not wanting to cry again.

"Of course dear, take your time. You need to remember that this one is for the both of you. For both of your dreams..." She said before I looked at her intensely and stormed out of the coffee shop.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now