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"J-jughead?" I shivered as I said his name.  Nick laughed devilishly, "You're a fucking slut. My accusations were right after all." He said to me as I turn my head to see him angrily glaring at Jughead as he started to punch him back I stepped between them.

"Just go away." I firmly said. Jughead is behind me just watching us intensely.

"So you could fuck him right away?" Jughead's jaw clenched. And my fist balled. His words are too much but since I am too used to it it doesn't affect me anymore.

"Go ahead and say whatever you want. I'm out of here," I said firmly trying to stop myself from crying. I am such a weak girl manipulated by that fucking monster.

"If he didn't just interrupted, I guess you're going to enjoy our alone time together just like before," He said to me smirking as he stepped closer to me and whispered those words to me and his hand on my wrist feels like it't going to break.

I can see Jughead's eyes intensify more as he coldly said, "Hands off, asshole or we can both see each other again in the court." He grabbed me from Nick. My heart can't handle this. It is beating so loudly that it might explode soon.

Nick cursed again, "Who even the fuck are you?!"

"It doesn't matter. She's my person and people like you should end up in jail. So go before, I call the police." He said cooly as he grabbed me away from Nick.

"We're not done yet, Veronica. You're mine alone. You can't run away from me." He said before walking away and vanishing away from us.

The silence is deafening between us as I looked at him with so much embarrassment. "Uhmmmm....I didn't know how to stop him I don't—Thank you." I just said shaking from coldness and what just  happened seconds ago. I don't want to waste his time explaining.

He looked at me and said, "Anyone who sees that kind of scenario will not think twice in stopping it. Don't feel special," He said coldly. Yes. I know that. He didn't interrupt because it is me or he knows me. He did save me because that what's everyone will do when they see that kind of scenario.

"I know...and it happens to be you. I'm so sorry for your time." I lowly said looking away from him. I really think that what happened is just disturbed him. I recently annoyed him a lot of times and right now, I just regret it all.

"You're not—" His phone rings so he picked it up immediately. "Yes, I am going in a minute......Now? As in now? Where the fuck is Archie? He's not feeling okay? Fine. Just a minute, Reggie. I'll fucking go. Okay?" He needs to go. Maybe it's the last song.

"I'll go now." I said embracing myself as the coldness kissed me again. He roamed his eyes on me from my face down to my clothes that are almost torn.

"No. Where is your place?" He asked. The moment he asked it, my heart begins stammering and his words should have made me so happy right now because he offered a big opportunity and I think that is so kind of him to offer driving me home but that scenario is enough disturbance to him. I think he is just pitying me for what just happened and now he's acting like he cares.

"I have a car." I said and he insisted, "Then I'll drive you." Then I looked at him again. "You don't have to. They are calling you. I can drive myself home and besides I'm with Cheryl and his bf." He looked at me to see if my words are believable then he slowly nod.

"Fine then." He said still looking at me. But before he go, he removes his jacket and he put in my shoulders. Then I watch him walked away from me. It made me realised that his existence makes everything okay for tonight. I couldn't stop myself but to smile despite of what just happened. 

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now