leaving on a jet plane

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"Uh...Jug we need to talk..." I started because I don't even know how to start it. I want to talk about my plans in transferring in Paris this month but I just can't. And I just don't know.

Plus, Galdys and I have a deal—his career and his band will be over once the pictures spread in the internet not to mention my life too. However, it's been three weeks and I am still here.

For the past few weeks, I thought about telling it to Jug—the deal about me and Gladys because maybe we could work our relationship even for just a secret or long distance relationship. I plan to tell about it to him but I can't find a good timing.

These days, I thought that maybe I can spend more time with Jug before I leave the country for good but we've been so busy with our own priorities like studies and career. We barely even call each other like we just text for a moment and that's it.

"Right now? I need to go somewhere..." He said while busy with his phone texting maybe their manager or the ceo. I guess they are now recording songs and getting ready for their comeback.

"You've been busy for the past few weeks...we barely even see each other..." I started and I looked at him and he stopped on what is he doing. I actually understand why he is busy—it's because they are preparing their most awaited comeback after months of being hiatus and not so active because of the accident. It must have been hard not to mention being their leader.

"Not now, Veronica. Not now." He said stressfully and  we looked at each other. We've been very very busy for the last few week. We are both busy. I was completing my journal to be passed on fashion companies I've been applying for the past few weeks and they are creating their music for the next month for their comeback.

"Now it's Veronica. The last time it was babe." I complained starting a fight and he looked annoyed now because his jaw is clenched and I did push a button.

"Then what do you want to talk about..." He said biting his lips maybe to avoid some annoyance and anger.

"I just want us to talk about us and things just like before...we lost time for each other for the past few weeks and it kinda bothers me. It's like we suddenly forget about everything..." I said.

He coldly said to me, "You clearly know we are both doing these for our dreams right," Right. Dreams. Yes. I freaking agree. Fucking dreams. I wonder how people work this out by managing their time because clearly we can't. It's like we don't even see each other anymore inside this loft because of we're bpth working for our dreams 

"Yes. I understand but Jug, I just miss the old us, I guess. Our talks, coffee time, and bonding. Everything..." I said reminiscing the happy moments.

"There's a time for that and now is now the time because we have an interview. I hope you understand," He said completely annoyed and stressed. I just want to hug him because as a leader maybe he was so stressed in handling all the pressure from the fans, their manager and their ceo.

"I do that's why maybe we should take a break form each other. I need time to figure out things, Jug. I am starting to think that I am not even a priority to you." I said raising a voice and am completely pissed in what he's showing me and the way he talked to me. I just clearly want us to have a short time with each other.

I clearly need a break from him. I was hurt. It was bothering me to ask him if he even love me right now because if not this is all nothing. This is one fucking sided love.

"What?" He asked and I said, "You had a time to visit your ex gf yesterday just because she was so down that Archie and her broke up and now I just want to talk and you can't even give me your time!" I said sounding bitter and sarcastic. I heard it from Reggie that he went to visit her yesterday when I was finding him for us to have a lunch together.

"Wow, Veronica Lodge. So that's it? It's all about my fucking visit? I just visited her okay. Fuck it. Nothing happened. I just calmed her down because she's being the dark betty again," He said. I bit my lips. That is not how I see it, the truth is I went to Betty's house too yesterday when he went to visit her.

I walked out of my car holding a cake and flowers for Betts. It's been a while since I see her because of my busy school life. I went here knowing that Jug's here too according to Reg. I walked upstairs, the door is ajar, before I even open it I heard Jughead talking, "I'll always love you."

I immediately went down not wanting to hear all the remainjng words or their make out. I ran out of her house and drove my car away crying and crying.

I couldn't take it anymore. I was hurt because up until now, Jug couldn't say it to me but to Betty, he can just comfortably express what he feels and it fucking hurts.

I answered while biting my lips not wanting to start crying in front of him, "So why didn't you tell your little visit to me, huh? Are you keeping something from me? I kept calling you and you didn't even answer? Are you now back together?" So what if they are? I stopped realizing what I've been saying. What even are we? Does 'us' even exist? Do I even have the rights to say all of these when I am nothing to him? I have a lot of questions. So fucking much.

"DAMN IT, VERONICA! I am not in the fucking mood to play with your games and possessiveness. Not now," He said frustrated and I just stared at him in disbelief. He has the guts, huh. I AM NOT BEING POSSESSIVE. I AM FUCKING HURT.

"NO! THIS IS NOT ABOUT JUST THAT. FUCK YOU, JUGHEAD JONES." THIS IS ALSO ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS AND US. I shouted at him completely pissed. My eyes were starting to tear up a little and before I shed a tear, I turned away. I couldn't ask what I need to ask. Maybe because I am afraid of what would be his answers.

"Then what is this all about, huh?" He said and I turned my back at him quietly and wiped my tears immediately.

"Let's take a break from this marriage. We were happy, Jug but it didn't last so long. I could see my whole life with you but maybe we need to focus more on our dreams right now and find ourselves first then we'll see each other again..." I said as I sighed so loud. There I said it. His phone beeped and beeped. I guee it's their manager calling him or his band members.

"What the fuck are you saying. Are you suggesting to break up? Where's your through thick and thin—" His phone rang again and out fo frustration he immediately ended the call.

He looked at me, "Let's talk later, please." He said eyeing me intensely while his jaw is clenched. Before he left I said, "Jug...I'm leaving..." I'll leave him and maybe this is the best time for each of us.

But somehow I am hoping to hear something from him—words that will make me stay or words that will make me fight for our love even though I know that I'll risk my dreams for it. Just maybe.

"Then fucking leave if you're sick of this set up," He said looking so pissed as he left and he slammed the door.

I wiped my tears away and started packing. I heard enough. Maybe that is enough for me to leave. I grabbed my phone, "Gladys, it's done. I'm leaving."

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now