run back to you

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"Veronica?" I snapped out of thinking when I heard Cheryl's voice.

"Where have you been last night?" She said in an annoying voice, "Did you have fun?" Emphasizing the word fun like it's funny but it's not.

Then she added something again to annoy the hell out of me, "Who's the lucky or unlucky freaking guy? You should date him!!! And forget about your secret husband!" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, tell me!" Cheryl insist again making me more pissed at the situation.

That's the freaking problem, okay? IT'S JUGHEAD. I freaking initiate the whole thing in my memory. I freaking lost my sanity last night. I went full mode crazy  because of alcohol. I gave in everything.

But the thing is he didn't even stop me! He has a freaking girlfriend!! I don't know what's with him. Is he really letting me do that just to embarrass me? Making me the freaking side chick? Or no because we're married? So I am the pathetic wife who keeps appearing in his life?

What the hell. I am so confused.

The moment I woke up, he's not there but that's not the important thing. I slowly remember everything I did the moment I woke up. And everything that happened really slapped me in my face and that made me ran away. Ran away from the fact that I am still in love with him and I could really do crazy things just for him.

"Shut up!" I hissed in frustration. I don't know what should I do. I am flying in Hawaii with them tomorrow and it's scarier because I don't want to face him anymore.

"Oh bad mood," She said and went away from me laughing her ass off. She's really the main reason why I am here in this situation.


From Big Boss Houston:

Prepare yourself for tomorrow. Pack for two weeks.

To Big Boss H:

K, boss.

"You're acting weird," Houston said as soon as he saw me in the airport with my things. We're just waiting for the Sepents to come.

"What?" I said not knowing what just he asked. I just saw Jug's girl. And he just talked to Houston. Is she freaking coming with us? I don't even think how can I handle the two of them.

"I...I just wonder who she is..." I said out of nowhere and Houston said, "Model. She's coming with us for the video and she's Jughead's—"

"Okay." I said cutting him off because I know the answer okay? Jughead's girlfriend. She's Jughead's girlfriend.

"You're usually chatty and talkative. What just happened?" He said chuckling and scanning my face and I just rolled my eyes saying, "You're usually talking formally with me. What just happened?" He just scoffed at me.

"Tell me, Lodge. Did something happened to you in your trip in LA?" He said to me and I just looked at him. He seriously need to asked that?

"Nothing, Houston. I'm just tired..." I said sighing. Maybe. I'm tired. He never asked me anything after that. We boarded in the plane and my seat is beside Houston and in our side Jug's and his girl.

What a lucky sight. I just looked at the window of the plane. But when I looked at Jug, he is looking at me while his jaw is clenched. What? I just looked away immediately. Gosh. It's so awkward. Oh my gosh. I am so embarrassed of my stupidness.

Houston and I talked about his schedule for his business meeting in Hawaii and it is purely just business. Until I fell asleep. I woke up and damn my head's resting on his shoulder and so is his head on mine.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now