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"Dad, what the hell is this... Why do you need Andre to drag me down here. I'm just visisting you. What the hell is going on?" I said curiously as I open the door. I didn't go immediately after I received the message because I stayed at the hospital a little bit longer.

I sense something bad is about to happen the moment I see my grandparents and parents smiling brightly to me. And there's grandfather.

"So you won't run away again just like what you did for the whole summer, mija." My mom said and I rolled my eyes at her. So she already knew.

"Mijaaa, we have decided something for you—you're grandfather did. So he decided to have shares with the family of one of the rising company and he chose someone for you." Oh freaking no. What the hell are they thinking. Last time, it was Nick. They wanted me to stay with him. And now, someone I don't freaking know?

"Dad! I can't!!! I can't accept this." I gasped as I am really processing the while situation. My parents' relationship are product of this traditional arranged marriage for business. And I don't know if they even found love in each other, all they think about is business and business. They are also willing to offer their only daughter for business! What the hell.

"We're late." You can't be kidding me.

He said and I almost choked to death when I see FP Jones in black suit as well as Jughead Jones. Jughead face is shocked as well the moment he saw me and it turned into anger.

Did he think.... I made this mess just to get him? Oh my. I don't want to add some burden to him anymore. He's been in too much pain. He just lost his career.

I whispered to Dad, "Dad, pls stop this. I don't want to marry him."

"Sit everyone," my grandfather said and all of us sit in the dining hall while the maids serve us food to eat. Jughead sat beside me making me really nervous and unprepared of explanation.

"I picked Jones' son for you Mija. Aren't you happy? In order for our families to be more stronger together with the Jones," My grandfather said to me and I can't even answer him. He wanted to manipulate me. After I didn't answer, they started another topic about business which not include me and Jug ofc. I don't know anything about their talking about.

"Uhmmm, excuse me everyone." I said and I walked fastly to the balcony. And I was shocked amwhen the door of the balcony was slammed.

"Aren't you happy, Veronica? You leveled up your game." He leaned closer to me.

"I don't know anything about this." I answered to him firmly and he smirked like a different boy that I just talked to days ago.

"I can't believe your scheme after acting as my friend, you will betrayed me just like this? Or did you become my friend so you can chain me into this marriage? After everything that has happened, you're still thinking about your self and what you want? Let me correct that—who you want. You're still the little rich brat that I met in that rooftop concert." He said harshly to me.

"I didn't plan this! I am just your fan anymore and at least friend if you believe me. My infatuation towards you was soo over, you know it. Andre just dragged me down here." I explained as my voice raised out of frustration and I can't deny that  I got hurt by the words he just said to me. I can't believe him. Days ago, we're okay and now this event turns us to hate each other again.

"Whatever, Jughead. I'll fix this mess." He just stared at me coldly while leaning forward to me and he whispered, "How will you fix this, huh? I am stuck with you. Do you think this is fun? I am struggling to deal with my career and you just suddenly add to one of my burdens right now."

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now