why am i here

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"I'm back," I whispered to myself as I open our loft. It's been a while. I stepped in and a lot of memories waves back at me—all about Jug and I.

I observed that maybe Nana's been cleaning the loft even without Jug's here. He will never come back here I think so. This place is where we made memories privately—our 3 am talks, laughs, stories, jokes and make outs and more at the same time this is where our story ended.

I stalked their IG accounts just in the plane while I was bored, all four of them, and right now I think they are around Asia right now for their on going world tour.

So this place was the best choice I picked out of all the rest houses of my family and my condo in LA which is so not safe from the media. Besides, I've been thinking of visiting Cheryl in LA next month or maybe I'll just call her and make her come here herself.

Before I left years ago, I made a letter of explanation of everything that's happened in my life—starting our arranged marriage and ending in our separation but not legally though.

I sent to it Cheryl because it makes me feel bad for her to not know a thing about why I will leave. Cheryl and I have been in touch for the past three years. We visit each other sometimes and call weekly.  I sat in the sofa to rest my body but the memories came back.

We were eating our breakfast together. Jug cooked and I am happily savouring every inch of it while we talked about their most awaited comeback.

"I am very excited to your freaking comeback!!!" I squeled and he just chuckled, "Just wait for it."

"I can't though," I said and added while looking at him ,"Gosh. This is soooo good, Jug." Referring to the food he cooked for us.

"Stop," He said and I suddenly stopped and looked at him, "What?"

He groaned, "Stop seducing me, Veronica or else..." He said frimly and I looked at him and stood in my chair while his eyes were fixed on my every movement.

I sat in his lap, "Or else what, Jug?" I laughed seductively at his reaction and he clenched his jaw, "You don't know what you're doing, babe." His hands are now on my inner thigh pulling my waist closer to his.

"I-I know," I said almost like a whisper and he chuckled at my reaction then he suddenly put his lips on mine. I gasped when his lips claimed mine and I eagerly kissed him back with the same intensity as my arms snaked around his neck.

"Fuck. Damn it..." He cursed when my skirt moved higher and as he guided my waist to move the same as his rhythm.

"Let's have a baby," Jug said in the middle of what's happening between us and I stopped and said, "What...what the hell? Are...you...Are you sure? I mean...not that I want it though but I think it's not just the right time.... I mean ugh whatever but I'd be happy to have one," I said and Jug just chuckled at my reaction.

"Tssk. I want more than one though," He whispered and gasped at him I pat him lightly as he kissed me again and then I stuttered at the thought of me being a mother???, "The fuck? Aren't we too young for that...I mean what about your band? My dreams? Can you provide for us?" He let out a devilish laughed and I puched him lightly in his chest as I stood up realizing that it's all a joke to pissed me off. 

"You're messing with me again!" I realized and he just keeps chuckling at me, "Babe, I meant puppies. I want puppies but I am considering your suggestion though. If you're worried, I am rich and I can also fucking provide your needs," He said still chuckling and he really emphasize the last sentence to mock me with different meaning.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now