dancing with a stranger

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"Cook me something," I can hear Jughead saying while knocking at my door. Duh. I am not his maid.

"Jughead. Just cook your won food, I'm tired!" I complained and duh, I don't even know how to cook!

"Is that how you treat your husband?" He said and I cannot open my eyes because I still need sleep but Jughead's messing with me.

"Is this how you treat your wife?" I copied him even the tone of his voice and he just chuckled. "Wow, I never imagine having useless wife who doesn't know how to cook." I stood up at his remark. Is he mocking me???

"Then, marry a maid, Jones! IDC, I'll cook my own food!" I said as I opened the door and slammed it in his face as I saw his victorious smile in messing my morning.

"What will you cook? You don't even know how," He mocked again chuckling lightly at me and I rolled my eyes at him and I immediately go to the kitchen to cook whatever the hell edible to eat. I hate him!

"Betty, I've missed youuuuu," Cheryl said as they sat beside us. I can see Jughead smirking at my outfit because I am back to my usual self—skirt and pearls.

Actually, a while ago he was ordering me to cook something then I cooked but I failed and he ended up cooking again which is kinda scrumptious so I ate them all.

"Same, Bets. It's been a whileeee," I also said because it's true. I missed them all.

"Yeah, V. The last time I saw you, you were crying," She started and I almost choke the strawberries I am currently chewing. All of the attentionn is now on me. She brought it up again. AAAAAAH, I can kill her now.

"I was?" I said trying to act like I didn't remember doing it or seeing him.

"Yeah? You said you miss your ex, right?" I finally choked. I coughed and coughed until Cheryl looked at me angrily. Jughead also looked at me intensely.

"I said that?" Like wtf, why did she have to say this to them.

"When was this, mademoiselle?" Cheryl said annoyingly to Betts. And I glared intensely at Betty while mouthing something.

"Of course, it's just a joke!" She said suddenly and I chuckled nervously while looking at Jughead smirking, "Yeah, it's a joke. Why would I even miss that motherfucker?"

"Beside, she cannot. She's already committed to someone." Jughead said and I almost threw my phone at him. Is he provoking me by teasing them with OUR secret?

"Who? You're not telling me anything!" Cheryl and Betty whined trying to get some answers to me but I don't even know why Jughead is pestering me like this. It's not just my secret, it's ours. Wtf.

"To myself of course. Self love is important, guys." I finally said as my excuse.

"We're going to set you up with Fangs! Jughead is friend of him. Right, Juggie?" Betty said and Jughead just said, "I don't."

"Jughead please, let Fangs know. He actually like V, but he thought she was with Archie so he didn't go for it." Cheryl said and I eyed them. What the hell, they're selling me away but Fangs is kinda hot though.

"Is Fangs the hot one?" I asked curiously and Reggie answered, " Yeah. But I'm hotter." I chuckled lightly. He just arrived and he suddenly seat beside me while letting his arms in my shoulder. I saw Jughead eyes fixed on Reggie's hand.

"Well, are you willing to be V's company in my bday??? I mean we're all going there as a couple and V's single forever so you two go together," Cheryl explained and I almost choke again. Why did she have to say how single I am. I'm independent.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now