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"Veronica!!!! Here!!!" Cheryl exclaimed as we gather around in the cafeteria with The Serpents ft Betty. I don't know how but suddenly we get along. It's been weeks since we're always hanging out with each other every break time.

And unexpectedly, Betty, Cheryl and I have been talking about books, clothes and tv shows on netflix. I don't how our friendship started but I am pretty sure that it's kinda real. She's been inviting us a lot to seat with them since she's the only girl in the table and she didn't like it because the boys always bully her.

"Here's our fan girl!" Reggie exclaimed and they all chuckled remembering my craziest moments fangirling over them

"Thanks to V, you're all always safe from the girls outside the campus."  Betty said and I smirked and said, "I am the only one  who is willing to fight girls who threaten my Serpents."

They all chuckled. And Jughead said, " I am most of the reason why she stan us. Am I right?" I rolled my eyes at him while the boys and girls chuckled. I am surprised how annoying and how cool Jughead is when it comes to me. He is not that cold anymore and he treats me like a friend and pretty much it is evertyhing.

I am pretty sure that all he know is I stan him and I like him because he's part of the Serpents. He didn't know that I like him for real. But slowly, I am trying to bury my feelings.

"Man, I think I am also the reason. Right V?" Archie joked and I rolled my eyes again.

"Whatever! I stan all of you! That's it.". I proclaimed defeated as I sat down on my

"Btw, guys." Cheryl said as we open the box of cake. "Congratulations for 2 MILLION FOLLOWERS AND FANS. WE LOVE YOU ALL." We said and they all chuckled at us.

"Of course, V. We're amazing and thank you for the cake." Sweet pea said while Reggie said, "Thanks V. We love you. Whoever you boyfriend is, he is fucking lucky to have you."

"Except that she doesn't have one! And I have one except that he isn't Archie but hell he's a treat." Cheryl said and they all chuckled. Sweet pea said unbelievably, "Really?"

"Really, Sweet pea? Just because you have Josie. I am independent girl and I don't need assholes in my life right now." I said and they chuckled while Jughead looked at me intensely. What?

"I am volunteering guys but she rejected a star like me. You're going to regret rejecting me, V." Archie joked and I rolled my eyes.

"I am not a charity, Andrews!" I said but he sticked out his tongue like a child.

"Btw, party in the bar later in the VIP room with our manager and some friends," Reggie said and we all agreed to come.

'The Serpents postponed their comeback. More than 1 year?'

'Contract expired. The Serpents disbanded or renewing contract?'

'The Serpents— disbanded? One time fame?'

I read the articles. They should have been making a comback this month. When did this happen?

What happened? Oh gosh. I tried calling Cheryl if she knew something but she's not answering so the moment our class ended I called Archie but he's not answering. Even Jughead and the other members. We've been friends since then and I am really concerned about them.

Even it's hard for me to be around Jug. I endured their PDA and I endured pain whenever I saw them. I have moved on and I have accepted that Jug and I are just friends and nothing more and I am with it.

I enjoy the days we're joking with each other and annoying each other while he's mocking me about me fangirling all over him. I can't deny how happy I am to be friends with The Serpents. They are really great. 

Jughead calling...

I immediately picked it up. Why would he call me? "Jughead?" I asked on the other line and all I can hear is him breathing and it looks like he's drinking.

"Betty? It's over. Our dream is over. Sweet pea..he got...he got into an accident. He can't play anymore...He's in a fucking coma and I cannot fucking do anything." He said and I almost threw my phone away.  "What.....Oh my gosh...Sweet pea." I don't know what words to utter. I am out of it. I can't think straight. Omg! Sweet pea? Omg. Sweet pea what happened to you?

"Jughead, where are you? Stay where you are. Let's talk." I asked and he chuckled like a drunk man. I can hear in the background a girl asking him to dance with him and he said yes.

Ugh. I need to stop him. He's not thinking! What if there are paparazzis over there! Their image is going to be ruined and hell, their band. A lot of people are their enemy, they want to bring them down just because they become famous for a short period of time and now they must be happy because they started to face difficulty. And I guess, the accident is still not known to the media. They just ended their contract on order to cover up the accident so the media can focus about them disbanding and their failed contract.

What the hell happened? I need to find him. I drove all over the city to go to every bars and clubs they all go to whenever there's celebration. And I am driving to the last spot. This is the last club in the list. I hope he's here.

"Jughead! Jughead!!" I shouted at him. The music is blasting and the people around us are so busy dancing and drinking and he's making out with a blonde gurl.

WTH. I immediately grabbed him and I said to the girl, "Get the hell away from him, bitch." The blonde girl looked at me annoyingly before walking away.

"Who the fuck are you?" He said but I didn't say a word.

"Betty?" His face softened as he touched my face. I don't know what to feel but I am kinda hurt—erase that. We're friends. Friend, V? You're just a friend. Okay? Fine. I am doing this because we're friends.

"Betty....betts...It's my fault. Sweet pea cannot fucking play anymore. It's my fault. His dream...our dream to play our music around the's fucking over." He sobbed again hugging me as I hug him back and he's crying like a lot. My heart breaks into million of pieces the moment I saw him cry. I can't help my tears to drop. I care about him and my friend who just got into an accident. It's fucking heart breaking.

"Shhhh. Can you walk? Let's walk, Jug. Rest, please. It's not your fault. You can still play your music around the world when he got better. Okay?" I said breaking our hug but he insisted by bring my hands back to him. "Stay. Betts, let me hug you until I fucking get better."

"Okaaay." I said as I am massaging his hair until he calmed down.

"I don't like showing my emotions to them because I am the coldest and the leader. They are my brothers. I am a cold hearted person but with them I feel so warm. They treated me like a family and I just can't take it when they got hurt like that." He started and I nodded.

"You need to be with his side then when he opens his eyes. Instead of being away with them and drinking your problems away. Drinking doesn't solve your problem, it makes the problem worsened."  I said to him and he nodded.

"You don't look like blonde right now." He said while scanning my face. I just ignored him. It's okay that he can't recognised me, the important thing is he is safe now.

"Juggie, you're drunk." I said copying Betty endearment to Jughead. He chuckled lightly, "I guess so...I like it when you call me Juggie."

I remembe Jughead hating me because I called him names more like endearments like Juggiebabe, Forsthye, Pendleton and more. He hates it.

"Please, take a rest so you could visit Sweet pea tomorrow." I whispered to him and he nodded.

"Thank you for being here. I think I'm falling at this moment. I think I love you." He said whispering to me and I cannot help but to shed a tear because it is for somebody. Somebody who could never be me.

"I love...Betty loves you too."  I said looking at him and then I suddenly wiped my tears before contacting Betty.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now