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part two

"One more chance, come out now or I'll unlock it myself and call the guards," I said as I knocked on the door again.

A fucking intruder. In my condo? In riverdale? How stalkerish type. Last time it was in our dorm with The Serpents. Someone broke in to get some of our clothes. I love the fans but some are so obssessed that they ended up hurting us.

The intruder opened the door. And fuck it.
We looked at each other. Why is she here? I looked at her scanning her face. She's still breathtaking. Beautiful. But I clenched my jaw when I remembered that she left me and ended up being an actress? With a lot of fucking scandal and men in showbiz.

I didn't fucking know what to do. Half of me wanted to kiss her but half of me still remember the pain that she gave to me.
Imagine coming back at her and ended up knowing that she already left. Without a reason. Just because we fought. I wanted to fix it. I wanted to talk about our fight that fucking day. I kept asking myself, if I did something wrong, if I wasn't enough and so many fucking ifs...

And now she's here in front of me in my fucking robe. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I kept my jaw clenched.

"Hi," She awkwardly said as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"I just stopped over and now, I'll be going...." I raised a brow. Stopped over? After all these years??? Wow, she's fucking unbelievable. I hate her.

"You know...I just decided to grab some of my things...like my Chanel bags and...my Gucci? I think? Yeah.Right...Uhhhh...Okay. Bye," I slammed the door while looking at her.

"Why are you fucking here?" I asked her. I need to know the reason why. Somehow, I am expecting that she would say that I am the reason but I guess it isn't. I know her reason.

She said so many reasons and excuses but I know her. She's hiding in Riverdale because of her fucking scandal of being a side chick. For the past three years, I heard a lot from her. In twitter, she's always trending of being with men, dating her co-stars.

"Me choosing you isn't enough?" I asked when she said that I didn't gave her a reaosn to stay. What kind of kame excuse is that? Did she not feel my love at all?

"When did you choose me? I left for us. I left for you to focus on your dreams."

"I didn't need you to leave me. I came back for you that night. I didn't attend the interview but guess what you already flee for what? You didn't even bother discussing it. I called you so many times. You just vanished." There I said it. It's the truth. I fucking cried that night. Losing her made me crazy. I dedicated a lot of songs. I wrote 'If you see her' hoping that she will hear me saying I lover her and she'dcome back to me.

I wanted to find her. Follow her in her dream school but I stopped myself. I don't want to look pathetic. She left me. She's sick of me and our secret relationship so what's the freaking point.

"Wait. What...what did you say?" She said and she looked at me almost tearing up like she couldn't believe it.

"Nevermind that. Leave—" She hugged me by cutting me off. She hugged me so tight, I want to hug her back. The hell I wanted to kiss her. Undress her. Do her. But I stopped myself. No. I can't. I don't want her pity. I don't want to see her ever again. I don't wanna love her anymore.

"Please. I am sorry. I am fucking sorry for leaving. Please. I don't want you to stop loving me." She whispered. No. If this is real. I need to see her efforts. I need to see her love me again without remembering the pain.

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