back to reality

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"No good luck kiss?" He said smirking at me. I was walking in to check the vixens in girls locker room when he suddenly grabbed me to their locker room. He's already wearing his soccer uniform. And hell, he looks hot at it.

"Jughead...some of your teammates might see us." I whispered because I don't like having an issue.

"I don't really care about them..." He said touching my body curves then down to waist as he pinned me down the wall.

"Jughead, stop flirting me. We're getting ready for the cheerdancing," I said as I pushed him but he's stronger obviously.

"Quit cheerleading. Your outfit is ridiculous—boys will prey on you." He said sounding so possessive as he scan me form head to toe. I don't even know if he is capable of being jealous with the boys around me.

"Whatever you say, Jug. Let me go..." I said he smirked, "In one condition." I rolled my eyes at him because obviously the comdition is to kiss him. Okay. One kiss in the cheek then I'll run away. I tiptoed and kiss him in his cheek, "Bye, husband." I said immediately and run but he grabbed me on my waist.

He smirked at me and he chuckled, "Not so fast, babe. The condition is make out with me," I gasped and said, "You're freaking out of your min—" His lips crashed into mine and before I even tried to resist him, I kissed him back with the samw intensity as our hands explore our bodies.

The game started. We cheered and cheered for them. We, the River vixens, gave our very best to be able to cheer them of course. I can see Jughead looking at me intensely and I just shrugged before I dance my solo.

I still haven't told Cheryl anything and it will look weird to see me and Jughead having an intense staring or flirting inside the campus and yeah, it will also be very bad to his image here might start a rumor outside that can ruin him.

After that Paris vacation, we kinda become closer to each other for two weeks and not to mention the numerous make outs in the loft because I can't resist him. Dang it. Outside that loft, we need to pretend like we're not really close like wea re right now which I wish that would last.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now