lie to me

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I woke up feeling like a shit. The only thing I remembered before I passed out is Houston fetched me and I said my secret to him. So he probably carried me last night. I remember him saying 'We'll talk tomorrow.'

I need to thank him in person. So I already changed into my casual and go to Houston in the cafe near the hotel.

I already see him typing and typing and I approached him, "Before you explain the fucking interview. Thank you. And don't tell anyone what I told you," I started and his eyebrows met.

"What? Thank you for what? You told me something? Did you already decide?" He asked while he looked at me confusingly. As he sips on his coffee, he looked at me with confused looks.

"No not yet. For last night??? DUH. YOU DROVE ME BACK IN MY HOTEL." I said before sitting down. And I added in annoyance, "FYI, I am not thanking you for that stupid interview. It just adds up to my scandals!" I complained.

"No. I haven't drove you home last night nor talk to you. You said today is where I am explaining things. So...what the fuck happened last night?" He said immediately looking at me and I just snapped. I realized something—he was not the person I called, "I was calling you but you didn't answer."

I looked at him at disbelief and said, "You haven't???? Then who in the world...Oh my gosh."  I immediately check my call history with no text received by Jughead but I missed his call a lot of times.


Did I say all of that? Even about the accident three years ago? Did I even spill about that Galdys convinced me three years ago? I fucking hope not. This will ruin everything. Thank God I didn't say that I love him. It will be all over and pathetic and embarrassing.

No no. It's fine. It will not change anything. "Houston...I need to go. Bye see you," I immediately went out of the cafe to find Jughead. I'll just give the envelope and then we're good. I'll just need his sign and
it's done.

I went back to my hotel room to get the envelope and as I went out of my room. I see Jughead waiting for me.

"W-why are you here?" I stuttered as I saw him with his cold look and clenching jaw while looking at me. He looked like he drank wine. I can smell it.

"Let's talk," He said and opened my door. I want to ask him why did he drink but I stopped myself from caring.

"A-about what?" I said while following him inside my hotel room and dropped the envelope on the table. I see him looking at me. I don't think I can talk right now. I don't even know what to say to him, "I-If it's about last night, just...just forget it. I just thought you're—" He cut me off by raising his voice.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He said to me and added, "Are you fucking for real? You were not planning to tell me but to fucking Houston you are telling him? Is he the father? God, Veronica are you hearing yourself?" He said scoffing in disbelief while I just looked at him. He's fuming mad right now he's just controlling his anger.

"I...There's no point on telling you." I said almost like a whipered then he lost it as he cursed and cursed. And he walked towards me and pinned me in the wall as he leaned towards me and said, "What? You think so? So even if the baby is alive you wouldn't tell me?" He looked at me intensely. Of course I would tell him. But I don't know I will said the opposite because I need him to get mad at me so he would sign the papers immediately.

"Y-yes..." I said as I looked away from him and my heart almost jumped out of my rin cage when he punched the fucking wall near my freaking face.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now