aftermath of last night

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I woke up feeling so tired. My head still hurt like hell as well as my body. I checked the time and dang it, it's already 10:00 am in the morning—our flight is 12:00pm. I sat in the bed and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Gosh. Damn it," I whispered. Hickies are all over my body. I almost forgot what happened last night. Damn itttt. Did it really happened??? Jughead and I freaking did it. We had sex. I can't. Fuck. I gave it up. And he just left me here. What a nice? What would I expect??? Him treating me like his girl—in my dreams. It's not going to happen.

And now, I'm done! How the fuck would I face him? This is soooooo embarrassing and I don't know what to do. Maybe, he's thinking that I seduced him in order for us to sleep together. Nah! He approached me first! Crying at me and me having a soft heart fell for that shit.

Why would I even say that in the first place???? That three words. My decision is really the worst when I am drunk. I couldn't really stop how much I craved for his touches. I could still feel his kisses and touches and that is really making me feel empty now—ew I sound like an obsessive freak.

Nevermind. Erase all the thoughts. Last night was a mistake. Definitely a mistake. Right???? Even I did gave myself wholeheartedly or whatever. It doesn't matter. I looked like a slut in this case.

I immediately wore my clothes from last night and went back to my hotel room to ready my things.

When it comes to him, I am fucking stupid. I always choose what my heart wants rather than what is right. And obviously this isn't right. I am his rebound. He slept with me just because he thought I could erase Betty in his mind. I am that low when it comes to him.

The moment I left his room, I saw him walking towards me with no expresion in his face. He stopped when he saw me.
I need to end my stupidness. I am never gonna swayed by his charms aagin.

"Veronica..." He started and I looked at his eyes and I can't help but to stare at them. It's beautiful. So fucking beautiful it hurts.

"I...Jugheaaad....." I said while still staring at him. He grabbed me and said, "We need to talk." He said in a serious tone. And I know where this would go. He will said that we should forget what happened last night and this is just because we were just drunk.

Tssk. I know him too well. And before he dumped me, I will do it on my own. I can't just hear him say the words that 'I will never you' once again.

"We don't need to talk. I know, Jughead. I know that we should just forget what happened last night because that's what you would say and yeah we should forget it. It was a mistake. Definitely is and we're just drunk, right? I said what you need to say. You don't need to say it again in my face, it will just hurt me. Bye...." I said but he grabbed me again while smirking like he was hurt or what. I can't read him. He's too emotionless. He just look cold.

"You think so? You think that the words you have said is what I wanted to say? Wow, I'm speechless, Veronica..." He said smirking at me. And I can't help but to just stare at him in disbelief.

"If it isn't that. What would you want to say then?" I raised my brow at him and curiously asked the question. I am curious to what he would say. Ugh, I'm so talkative.

"Nevermind. If that's what you think, wife. Let it be like that. It was a mistake after all, according to you." He smirked like he is mocking me. And I can't help but to think what he wanted to say to me. It was probably it. He's just playing me around because I said it first before he could say it.

"And I just can't accept the phrase that it was a mistake?" He chuckled then he added, "Because I think you enjoyed it a lot because you were moaning my name a million times. And we did it more than twice, I might add in case you forget." He said and I just can't believe that he just talk dirty to me right now and that made me cough and choke in my own.

"I was? Hmmm. I have...maybe forgetten it already consider that... it was not that memorable." I stuttered making up some lies. I rolled my eyes thinking for counterattack.

It was so embarrassing. I am burnt right now. My cheeks are flaming. I just lost again. I thought I could beat him by dumping him first and acting like it was a mistake and such but damn he's good at winning.

He chuckled at my remark, "Hmmm. Let's see repeating your mistake again soon. And I should remind you, I know I was your first. " He whispered to me and he's so close. Omgggg. I am dying. He knew I was a V.

UGH. I AM SOOOO LOST. When it comes to him, I always lose anyways.

"W-what...Ugh. What-in-ever, husband." I just said before walking away from him.

"Well, wife how was our honeymoon then? Can you still walk?" I heard him laugh and laugh devilishly like he just won the lottery. Like my virginity was just a joke to him. He was happy that it was him but he also used it to play me.

"Of course, I can walk. Obvious—ARGH!" I screamed when I walked in a wrong way making me tripped on my own. What a great humiliation.

"Can you? You are welcome," He said while smirking at me, he caught me saving me from kissing the floor and embarrassing my self to a lot of people here.

"Just shut up, Jughead! Thank you I appreciate you making fun of me!" I said sarcastically and he just looked at me. Ugh. I am so annoyed at him. I walked away as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now