we were stayin' paris

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We were sitting together in the airplane seat and I am on the window side. We're talking because what the hell should we talk about? It's an eight-hour flight from NYC to Paris.

I rewatched Avengers and eventually fell asleep because I was so tired because of school.

I woke up with my head on Jughead's shoulder and we're leaning on each other so if I stood up now he will wake up too. I don't want to do that. So instead of waking up, I stay leaning on him. I feel safe in his side. I feel happy with him. I just can't resist his ocean eyes. It's an ocean anyways. He will always pull me back to him along with the waves no matter how much I want to stay away.

"Hey, wake up. We're here and my shoulder hurts," He said as I open my eyes to see him. I carefully remove my head on his shoulder.

"Uhhh. I'm sorry I fell asleep," I explained to him as he just nod like a cold guy.

"Let's go. My dad will pick us up and he's here already," He said grabbing my hand and we're holding each other hand. Oh gosh, is this for an act? Because this is my first time holding his and I feel like our hands fit each other.

I don't want to let go of his hand. I want this to last. Too bad. I wish our love was real.

"Mija, enjoy your stay here in a lovely place..." Daddy said to me as we arrived in our own apartment. I kissed dad on his cheeks and I said, "Yeah. Thanks, Dad."

"I am expecting a grandson soon, Jones." He said tapping Jug's shoulder and Jughead smirked as I coughed and coughed.

Shit. No way. Then I realized, the night in Hawaii, we didn't you use any protection. The fuck.

"Maybe, dad. Let's see..." He said smirking as I rolled my eyes. He snaked his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him. Sigh. It's time to get my acting ready.

"Dad!" I said acting not agreeing in what he just said.

Dad chuckled at his maybe and said, "Enjoy your stay here. Maybe walk with my daughter in this romantic place." Which we both don't want to do even if we're here in Paris—my favorite place.
We have this beautiful view of the glistening Eiffel tower standing right outside this apartment. It is so beautiful. It is more beautiful if you're seeing this with the person you love though.

"Yes, Dad. We'll walk after we wrap our things here or maybe we'll just stay here and do something fun," I winked at dad so he can now go and Jug can now breathe and stop acting like my husband. Dad coughed and coughed as well as Jughead to my statement.

"Okay, I'm going now. My daughter is kinda eager to be with you. Alone," He said as he chuckled to Jughead and Jughead just smirked, "She's always like that, sir." Tapping my hair like a puppy.

I clarified, "We'll watch, Dad. It's not what you're thinking..." I rolled my eyes secretly even though I meant to make him go now.

"Whatever, my daughter. Enjoy your husband," Then he winked at me as I chuckled again, "Go now, dad!" Then he went away now.

"Hay, finally he left!" I sighed. Finally acting's over. I turned the tv on to watch some movie in Netflix and Jug sit beside me. "Do you really hate being my wife a lot just because you have a boyfriend now?" He said to me facing me as I looked at him too.

"What?" I glared at him. Up until now, that's his argument. Ugh. Do I really need to explain myself to him? That Vic just spilled his milk shake to me so he let me borrow his shirt because I have a class then he kissed me suddenly without me agreeing to it. To make it short, it's none of his business.

I picked up my phone because of numerous ring from Cheryl. She texted me if I have arrived in Paris safely with my family and I replied yes. I hate lying to her. It makes me feel guilty for not trusting her.

"Break up with your boyfriend," He said coldly to me. What is he talking about?

From Cheryl:

Bring home some macaroons. And a french boyfie ;)

"What the hell are you talking about," I said as my phone beeped again the I replied again.

To Cheryl Bombshell:

HHAHAHAHA. I will bring some. And definitely find a french boy ;)

"Break up with your boyfriend before I break you two apart," I looked at him. He looked back at me with the same intensity.

And I said, "You can't." Because in the first place, there isn't one.

"Don't make me," He said and I am really annoyed right now. He's been talking about Houston ever since and it's annoying me because I hate Victor for kissing me in public and making everyone believe that we're a thing.

"I don't have a boyfriend, Jones. Stop saying that I have because I wish I had someone however due to tragic event  I am married even though this marriage is just in paper," I said it. Finally. I am so annoyed and I am going to burst.

"It's a beautiful tragedy that you marry me." He said smirking at me. Wow, what a real asshole is he. I think it's beautiful minus the part of agony though.

"Sleep on the floor, Jughead

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"Sleep on the floor, Jughead." I said as we're now tired because of our flight and useless fight.

Of course our bed is only one which I don't really know. I only brought my usual nighties since I really want to be comfortable when sleeping and I knew that there are two beds but I am wrong. Absolutely.

Our parents really plan this whole thing. Jughead being here in one bed with me is really making me uncomfortable. It brings back some memories which is sooo ugh.

"No, you already burdened my shoulder in  our flight don't make my back hurts now," He said as he now lay in right side of the bed topless. Can he wear something decent?

"F-fine! Just don't cross over in the left side," I said as put some pillow as our boundary. I lay down feeling the comfort of the bed and the comforter.

"Tssk, I already saw everything," He just said as I sleep and turn my back on him as I watch the glistening tower in our window. "Fuck you," I said before I fell asleep.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now