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My life has been revolving in coffee shops and meetings. No more luxurious shopping, no more shootings, no more relaxing on my bed and absolutely no Jughead Jones.

I've been very very busy for the past two weeks. That mother chucker Houston is really making me work my ass off by being his basically nanny. He always tell me to buy or make coffee for him and every meeting, I need to fucking jot down every thing important. And I also need to talk to various client because of my language skills. I learned a lot of languages.

He didn't tell me that I am applying for multiple jobs! And of course my main job, organizing his schedules and call a lot of people. Secretary is not an easy job. I admit that I freaking underestimated it. Dad should have suggested me as a model at least I love that job.

"Ms. Lodge, can you bring me a coffee, the usual—black one and two teaspoon of sugar," He said casually smirking at me between the glass window as I can see him while he's calling me for a coffee.

"Yeah. Sure, Mr. Houston. I'll bring it in a minute," I immediately went down to buy one in the cafeteria. I should probably request a freaking coffee shop in his floor.

"We have a very special guest for today's meeting. You should get ready," He said as he smirked at me and I raised a brow.

"I'm always ready," I mocked him because for some unknown reasons I am actually good at talking to people and convincing them for a partnership or what and he clearly knows that because he also can't believe the people that accept his contract because of me and because I am a Lodge. He also raised his brow, "Let's see."

"Okay. See you at 6 pm," Houston said before he dismissed me. I went down because it's already break and grabbed a coffee and decided to scan his schedule.
My eyes went big as I saw the people who will attend the freaking meeting, "Fucking hell, Houston." I murmured.

"So, let's start the meeting first with the manager and let's wait for them." He said to me as I nod and I sit beside him and whispered, "You didn't tell me that it was them."

"I didn't know that you still care," He said and he smirked at me and he added, "And besides, you're my secretary, Ms. Lodge. You should know who are we going to feature for this month's issue." I rolled my eyes at his sudden change of mood.
I keep my eyes on the screen until they enter the office. They were all shocked to see me except Jug.

"Fuck. Lodge! You're here?" Archie asked me as he immediately hugged me. I smiled awkwardly and not really comfortable at talking about my downfall, "Yes. Uh. My dad recommended me here so here I am starting a new career." Sweet pea and Reggie also went up to me to hugged me and asked me a little about my life and such.

"We can hang out anytime. I'm free," Archie said to me and I nod, "Sure sure."

"Can we start? I have a lot of things to do," Jughead said looking so madly hot and I cannot but help but to gaze at him looking at the plan for their project under Houston. He looked so good wearing those leather jacket.

Houston cleared up his throat. He must've seen me gazing at Jug. Shocks. It's embarrassing. He whispered something to me, "Are you fucking kidding me, Lodge? You're staring at your ex and he's going to freaking melt at this point." He doesn't know anything. Just to clarify something.

"Oh at least, for the first time ever you talk to me casually, Mr. Houston." I said smirking at him and he just looked away because I got him. I was so sick talking to him so formally. I'm not used to it.

"Mr. Houston, can your representative discuss the project for us," Jughead said interrupting me annoying Houston. Samantha, the director for the photoshoot, spoke about the theme of the issue for the month and whatever. I just took down some notes.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now