breaking news

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I woke up and Jug's already gone. And I hope my feelings too but nah. The door bell rang and I slowly stood up to open and it's Houston holding a Starbucks paper bag.

"Breakfast?" He asked and I nod smirking at him because DUH he just bought me food and drinks which is usually my work.

"Wow! I can't believe it," I joked at him and he just chuckled, "This is just for today." We ate together while we talked about his schedule for today since I still have his appointments.

"Cheryl!!! I am injured and I cannot clearly enjoy Hawaii!" I said with full of annoyance. She called to check up on me since I've said this incident that just happened yesterday. I ended the call since we're already talking for an hour.

Today I just decided to stay in hotel and rest. I slept and as I woke up my phone's ringing a million times, it's a mess!!! Why does my manager calling me? And Cheryl?

"Cheryl? Why? I just slept... What's happening?" I asked as I stood up to drink some milk.

"Check the social media!! Omggg...This is a mess...How did they know???" She said in hesitating tone whether she is going to say it or not.

"What? Say it." I said as my heart start beating rapidly.

"Oh my gohd. You're the #1 trending in Twitter!!! Some pictures are released and some article said you're in a relationship or you're already married and you are both in Hawaii. It's spreading in the internet and it might be a good rumor or truth to cover up your scandal with Centineo..." She said as I ooen my mouth in disbelief. No fucking way. How did they know? I need to check the so called rumor. Jug's name shouldn't be in it. Please oh gosh. It will ruin him.

Actress and model Veronica might be in a relationship or even married with a famous man!!! Read more...

"Who is the man?" I said as I started panicking internally because it cannot be Jughead. Never. No way.

"Wait...I'm reading it up..." Cheryl said as she sighed. It maybe a good news...

"Thank godness! It's Houston!!!! Oh gosh. I was so nervous!!!" She said and I sighed too. Thank goodness. I don't know what to do if it's Jughead.

Veronica Lodge in a relationship with a famous bachelor (let's confirm if not anymore) slash soccer player. Read more...

Veronica Lodge and his secret boyfriend or husband are enjoying their time in Hawaii. Read more with pictures...

"Yes. It's not Jughead but this rumor with Houston is also not good, Cheryl.." I said scanning the comments.

Some say I am a gold digger and some defend that I am already rich. Some say I am a bitch who cheated while being in a relationship some say that my scandal with Centineo is false if I am dating the bachelor who is Houston. And many more but fuck them, let them wonder what's the truth. I am just tired of everything.

The pictures are when I got injured and when we were swimming. We looked like couple in those pictures it is definitely believable that we looked like we're in a relationship but OBVI we're not.

"I am tired, Marjorieeee. I didn't think that I would ever be involved on Showbiz world.  My life is not a secret anymore and I am worrying that if they dig deeper, they would eventually know the truth. I should have stayed in modeling world." I said in defeat.

"No babe. It's not your fault... Let them think about what's happening in your life, they are bored and people like you are interesting so they keep digging and digging for more. It's their fault. Not yours." She said and I replied immediately, "Thanks Cheryl Marjorie."

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now